
Our loved ones, what is this departure that has come near

أأحبابنا ما ذا الرحيل الذي دنا

1. Our loved ones, what is this departure that has come near
Indeed, I was always afraid of it

١. أَأَحبابَنا ما ذا الرَحيلُ الَّذي دَنا
لَقَد كُنتُ مِنهُ دائِماً أَتَخَوَّفُ

2. Grant me a heart, if you leave, that obeys me
For with my heart that day I will be known

٢. هَبوا لِيَ قَلباً إِن رَحَلتُم أَطاعَني
فَإِنّي بِقَلبي ذَلِكَ اليَومَ أُعرَف

3. I wish my eyes would know sleep after you
Perhaps it will be consoled by a specter of you

٣. وَيالَيتَ عَيني تَعرِفُ النَومَ بَعدَكُم
عَساها بِطَيفٍ مِنكُمُ تَتَأَلَّفُ

4. Stop, give me provisions if you bestow upon me a glance
That reasons a heart that almost perished from separation

٤. قِفوا زَوِّدوني إِن مَنَنتُم بِنَظرَةٍ
تُعَلِّلُ قَلباً كادَ بِالبَينِ يَتلَفُ

5. Come, let us steal an hour from life
So we reap in it the fruits of union and pluck them

٥. تَعالَوا بِنا نَسرِق مِنَ العُمرِ ساعَةً
فَنَجني ثِمارَ الوَصلِ فيها وَنَقطِفُ

6. And if you find any discomfort in that
Let me die ardently and do not take pains

٦. وَإِن كُنتُمُ تَلقَونَ في ذاكَ كُلفَةً
دَعوني أَمُت وَجداً وَلاتَتَكَلَّفوا

7. Our loved ones, I yearn for nearness and good faith towards you
Wherever you were, I incline towards you and turn

٧. أَأَحبابَنا إِنّي عَلى القُربِ وَالنَوى
أَحِنُّ إِلَيكُم حَيثُ كُنتُم وَأَعطِفُ

8. My gaze turns to your homelands
And my heart regrets your days

٨. وَطَرفي إِلى أَوطانِكُم مُتَلَفِّتٌ
وَقَلبي عَلى أَيّامِكُم مُتَأَسِّفُ

9. How many nights we spent without any doubts
Chastity and integrity embracing us

٩. وَكَم لَيلَةٍ بِتنا عَلى غَيرِ ريبَةٍ
يَحُفُّ بِنا فيها التُقى وَالتَعَفُّفُ

10. We left passion when we withdrew in seclusion
And the prime of youth shone upon us

١٠. تَرَكنا الهَوى لَمّا خَلَونا بِمَعزِلٍ
وَباتَ عَلينا لِلصَبابَةِ مُشرِفُ

11. We obtained what we desired of company and only it
And we do not covet what we left behind

١١. ظَفِرنا بِما نَهوى مِنَ الأُنسِ وَحدَهُ
وَلَسنا إِلى ماخَلفَهُ نَتَطَرَّفُ

12. Ask the house about what people claim between us
It has known that I am chaste and gentle

١٢. سَلوا الدارَ عَمّا يَزعَمُ الناسُ بَينَنا
لَقَد عَلِمَت أَنّي أَعِفُّ وَأَظرَفُ

13. Did it sense any disgrace from our union
That modesty denies and refuses from us

١٣. وَهَل آنَسَت مِن وَصلِنا ما يُشينُنا
وَيُنكِرُهُ مِنّا العَفافُ وَيَأنَفُ

14. Except one trait that we ask God's forgiveness
That conversation adorned to us

١٤. سِوى خَصلَةٍ نَستَغفِرُ اللَهَ إِنَّنا
لَيَحلو لَنا ذاكَ الحَديثُ المُزَخرَفُ

15. A talk at whose hearing the sand grouse sways
From what it shakes of its plumage that it sheds

١٥. حَديثٌ تَخالُ الدَوحَ عِندَ سَماعِهِ
لَما هَزَّ مِن أَعطافِهِ يَتَقَصَّفُ

16. May God bare a heart devoid of passion
And an eye that does not shed tears at the mention of passion

١٦. لَحى اللَهُ قَلباً باتَ خِلواً مِنَ الهَوى
وَعَيناً عَلى ذِكرِ الهَوى لَيسَ تَذرِفُ

17. I love all who are said to be lovers
And in my eyes he grows in glory and elevates

١٧. وَإِنّي لَأَهوى كُلَّ مَن قيلَ عاشِقٌ
وَيَزدادُ في عَيني جَلالاً وَيَشرَفُ

18. Passion is nothing but a virtue in man
That polishes his morals and gentles them

١٨. وَما العِشقُ في الإِنسانِ إِلّا فَضيلَةٌ
تُدَمِّثُ مِن أَخلاقِهِ وَتُلَطِّفُ

19. He who loves is revered and his nearness is sought
So his manners proliferate and are adorned

١٩. يُعَظَّمُ مَن يَهوى وَيَطلُبُ قُربُهُ
فَتَكثُرُ آدابٌ لَهُ وَتَظَرَّفُ