1. Have you seen the palace of peace being built?
Have you seen how Islam has triumphed?
١. أَرأَيْتَ صَرْحَ السِّلمِ كَيْفَ يُقامُ
أَرأيتَ كيف تهلَّلَ الإسلامُ
2. Have you seen when the righteous arose and extinguished
The fires of war, and the flags hastened?
٢. أَرأَيْتَ إذ نَفَرَ الهُداةُ فأطفأوا
نارَ القِتالِ وسَارَعَ الأعلامُ
3. The flash appeared though their efforts were late,
Else ruin would have spread over the Two Holy Mosques.
٣. لاَحَ الوَميضُ ولو تأخَّر سَعْيُهم
لَطَغَى على الحَرَميْنِ منه ضَرامُ
4. And prosperity flowed through the Arabian peninsula,
Which kinships protect and defend.
٤. وجرى بأرجاء الجزيرةِ زاخِرٌ
ممّا تَصونُ وتمنعُ الأرحامُ
5. The blood of Muslims grew dear and was not
To be degraded, since it is forbidden by swords.
٥. عَزَّتْ دِماءُ المُسلمينَ ولم تكن
لِتَهُونَ وَهْيَ على السّيوفِ حَرامُ
6. The envious said Muhammad's rope has sprouted
And an imam threw armies with an imam.
٦. قال الحَسُودُ انبتَّ حبلُ مُحمَّدٍ
ورَمَى إماماً بِالجنودِ إمامُ
7. And he anchored Islam with a sermon needing no one
In the East or West after him to stand.
٧. وأَناخَ بالإِسلامِ خَطْبٌ مَالَه
من بعدِه في المشرقَيْنِ قِيامُ
8. What can the malicious say when their hopes collapsed
And their dreams fell apart?
٨. ماذا يقولُ الشّامِتون وقد هَوَتْ
آمالُهم وانهارتِ الأحلامُ
9. Rays flew away after they had enjoyed them briefly
And wished the inspirations would fly away.
٩. طارت شعاعاً بعد ما نعموا بها
حِيناً وَوَدُّوا أن تطيرَ الهامُ
10. They resent the remainder on high. But what more
Desire or purpose have they after that?
١٠. أَعَلَى البقيّةِ يحقِدون وهَلْ لهم
مِن بَعدِ ذلكَ مَطلبٌ ومَرامُ