
O you who broke his oath,

يا أيها الناكث في عهده

1. O you who broke his oath,
God knows who is the loser.

١. يا أَيُّها الناكِثُ في عَهدِهِ
قَد عَلِمَ اللَهُ مَنِ الخاسِرُ

2. Alas, today I grieve over a friendship
That wearies the heart and thoughts.

٢. وا أَسَفي اليَومَ عَلى صُحبَةٍ
يَتعَبُ فيها القَلبُ وَالخاطِرُ

3. By God, there is nothing good in you,
No praiseworthy quality that is remembered.

٣. وَاللَهِ ما فيكَ وَلا خِصلَةٌ
مَحمودَةٌ يَذكُرُها الذاكِرُ

4. O you who went too far in your loss,
Indeed you have misled yourself.

٤. يا أَيُّها المُسرِفُ في تيهِهِ
وَحَقِّ عَينَيكَ لِذا آخِرُ

5. You wronged me when I found no supporter.
How I wish I had a supporter!

٥. ظَلَمتَني إِذ لَم أَجِد ناصِراً
وا حَسرَتي مِن أَينَ لي ناصِرُ

6. Power is not revealed from the powerful
Unless faced by the powerful.

٦. ما تَظهَرُ القُدرَةُ مِن قادِرٍ
إِلّا إِذا قابَلَهُ قادِرُ

7. You betrayed me after covenants flowed between us.
Your words "I am a traitor" suffice you.

٧. غَدَرتَ بي بَعدَ عُهودٍ جَرَت
يَكفيكَ قَولُ الناسِ يا غادِرُ

8. You did an act that is not praiseworthy.
No one appreciates that, not even the thankful.

٨. فَعَلتَ فِعلاً غَيرَ مُستَحسَنٍ
مالَكَ فيهِ أَحَدٌ شاكِرُ