1. I am truly you
This is my belief in you
١. أَنا في الحَقيقَةِ أَنتُمُ
هَذا اِعتِقادي فيكُمُ
2. So love from me is within me, not
Your turning away from yourselves
٢. فَالحُبُّ مِنّي فِيَّ وَال
إِعراضُ مِنكُم عَنكُمُ
3. And I have concealed my love for you
If it were something that could be concealed
٣. وَلَقَد كَتَمتُ هَواكُمُ
لَو كانَ مِمّا يُكتَمُ
4. Alas no, by your lives
My love is more exalted and greater
٤. هَيهاتَ لا وَحَياتِكُم
حُبّي أَجَلُّ وَأَعظَمُ
5. I cry for you, and it is right for me
Even if what I cry were blood
٥. أَبكيكُمُ وَيُحَقُّ لي
وَلَوَ اَنَّ ما أَبكي دَمُ
6. Shall I restrain my tears in passion
For one dearer to me than you?
٦. أَأَصونُ دَمعي في الهَوى
لِأَعَزَّ عِندي مِنكُمُ
7. You are the dearest people, all of them
They have rights over me, and are most noble
٧. أَنتُم أَعَزُّ الناسِ كُل
لِهِمُ عَلَيَّ وَأَكرَمُ
8. What is with me? I failed and you betrayed
This while you are yourselves
٨. ما لي وَفَيتُ وَخُنتُمُ
هَذا وَأَنتُم أَنتُمُ
9. No reproach after you upon the
Folk of enmity, and they are themselves
٩. لا عَتبَ بَعدَكُم عَلى ال
قَومِ العِدى وَهُمُ هُمُ
10. Woe unto you, O one whom I do not name
Who tyrannizes and treats unjustly
١٠. حاشاكَ يا مَن لا أُسَم
ميهِ تَجورُ وَتَظلِمُ
11. Who is for me except you when I complain
To him, he is kind and shows mercy
١١. مَن لي سِواكَ إِذا شَكَو
تُ لَهُ يَرِقُّ وَيَرحَمُ
12. And who is he that kills me and
Cries over me and regrets?
١٢. وَمَنِ الَّذي ياقاتِلي
يَبكي عَلَيَّ وَيَندَمُ
13. I am dying from my longing for you
You live, while I am well
١٣. قَد مُتُّ مِن شَوقي إِلَي
كَ تَعيشُ أَنتَ وَتَسلَمُ