1. My heart delights that his love endures,
And the easiest thing I get from him is his pigeon.
١. يَطيبُ لِقَلبي أَن يَطولَ غَرامُهُ
وَأَيسَرُ ما أَلقاهُ مِنهُ حِمامُهُ
2. More wondrous than it is how he contents himself with longing,
And is pleased by a glimpse of his beloved's turban-end.
٢. وَأَعجَبُ مِنهُ كَيفَ يَقنَعُ بِالمُنى
وَيُرضيهِ مِن طَيفِ الحَبيبِ لِمامَهُ
3. I fell for him, gentle of traits, languidly moving,
Stirring the passion of lovers, his figure.
٣. تَعَشَّقتُهُ حُلوَ الشَمائِلِ أَهيَفاً
يُحَرِّكُ شَجوَ العاشِقينَ قَوامُهُ
4. And I was fascinated by a charming, dreamy glance of his
That would madden anyone, such is its sorcery and wine.
٤. وَهِمتُ بِطَرفٍ فاتِنٍ مِنهُ فاتِرٍ
لِبابِلَ مِنهُ سِحرُهُ وَمُدامُهُ
5. For the branch is only what its chill contains,
And the moon only what its wrap holds.
٥. فَما الغُصنُ إِلّا ما حَوَتهُ بُرودُهُ
وَما البَدرُ إِلّا ما حَواهُ لِثامُهُ
6. I turn jealous when the fragrant, fresh north wind blows by,
I see the heat of its breath and joy.
٦. أَغارُ إِذا ماراحَ رَيّانُ عاطِراً
أَراكُ الحِمى مِن ريقِهِ وَبَشامُهُ
7. And I startle at the lightning that comes from his lands,
My eyes reckon that to be his smile.
٧. وَأَرتاعُ لِلبَرقِ الَّذي مِن دِيارِهِ
فَيَحسَبُ طَرفي أَنَّ ذاكَ اِبتِسامُهُ
8. And I scent spirits from every corner,
So I know in which places are his tents.
٨. وَأَستَنشِقُ الأَرواحَ مِن كُلِّ وُجهَةٍ
فَأَعلَمُ في أَيِّ الجِهاتِ خِيامُهُ
9. Take for me some moisture from the moon, for it
Is his brother; perhaps its dew will benefit me.
٩. خُذوا لي مِنَ البَدرِ الذِمامَ فَإِنَّهُ
أَخوهُ لَعَلّي نافِعٌ لي ذِمامُهُ
10. To the just, protected king of time - unveiled before him
Will be its darkness and gloom.
١٠. إِلى العادِلِ المَأمونِ لِلدَهرِ إِن سَطا
بِهِ يَتَجَلّى ظُلمُهُ وَظَلامُهُ
11. To a king whose eye fills a pasture
And whose care fills the land's horizons,
١١. إِلى مَلِكٍ في العَينِ يَملَأُ سَرحَةً
وَيَملَأُ آفاقَ البِلادِ اِهتِمامُهُ
12. A brother to wakefulness, whose glance knows no
Distraction other than what his sword contains,
١٢. أَخو يَقَظاتٍ لَيسَ يَعرِفُ طَرفُهُ
غِراراً سِوى ما يَحتَويهِ حُسامُهُ
13. Eulogies fall short of him, from every eulogizer,
Even if its system were of celestial flowers.
١٣. يُقَصِّرُ عَنهُ المَدحُ مِن كُلِّ مادِحٍ
وَلو كانَ مِن زُهرِ النُجومِ نِظامُهُ
14. O king of the age, none but him
Is hoped for, feared his pardon and vengeance.
١٤. فَيا مَلِكَ العَصرِ الَّذي لَيسَ غَيرُهُ
يُرَجّى وَيُخشى عَفوُهُ وَاِنتِقامُهُ
15. Talk of generosity came before you in the land,
But its seal came to be your mention.
١٥. تَقَدَّمَ ذِكرُ الجودِ قَبلَكَ في الوَرى
وَأَصبَحَ مِن ذِكراكَ مِسكاً خِتامُهُ
16. Through meeting you I felt safe from time's vicissitudes,
While others fear its aggressions upon them.
١٦. أَمِنتُ بِلُقياكَ الزَمانَ صُروفَهُ
فَغَيرِيَ مَن يُخشى عَلَيهِ اِهتِضامُهُ
17. Of all tribulations I have become carefree,
Upon you from the Bountiful Lord be His peace.
١٧. وَأَصبَحتُ مِن كُلِّ الخُطوبِ مُسَلَّماً
عَليكَ مِنَ اللَهِ الكَريمِ سَلامُهُ