1. O beloved of affection
My hands are still full
١. يا سَيِّداً بِوِدادِهِ
مازِلتُ مَلآنَ اليَدَينِ
2. Whether you are away or near
What beautiful dualities
٢. إِن غِبتَ عَنّي أَو حَضَر
تَ فَيا لَها مِن حُسنَيَينِ
3. With your love I never lack
Confident in either state
٣. إِنّي بِوِدِّكَ لاعَدِم
تُكَ واثِقٌ في الحالَتَينِ
4. The verses have afflicted me like pure
And refined pearls
٤. وافَتنِيَ الأَبياتُ كَالتِب
رِ المُصَفّى وَاللُجَينِ
5. The whiteness of the shield tells me
Of the whiteness of the two cheeks
٥. يَحكي بَياضُ التِرسِ لي
مِنها بَياضَ الوَجنَتَينِ
6. And the blackness of its ink
Tells of the blackness of the two eyelids
٦. وَأَتى سَوادُ مِدادِها
يَحكي سَوادَ المُقلَتَينِ
7. So I kissed it the number of letters
And was not satisfied with just two kisses
٧. فَلَثَمتُها عَدَدَ الحُرو
فِ وَما قَنِعتُ بِمَرَّتَينِ
8. How much comfort I gained
From the generosity of those two rests
٨. كَم راحَةٍ قَد نِلتُها
مِن جودِ تِلكَ الراحَتَينِ
9. You brought joy to my heart in separation
To the extent you saddened my eye
٩. آنَستَ قَلبي في البُعا
دِ بِقَدرِ ما أَوحَشتَ عَيني
10. May you bring together for me the pleasures
Of two in one place
١٠. فَعَساكَ تَجمَعُ لَذَّةَ ال
إِثنَينِ لي في مَوضِعَينِ