
The washingtonians have departed from us

رحل الواشون عنا

1. The washingtonians have departed from us
Thanks be to God for the camels

١. رَحَلَ الواشونَ عَنّا
شَكَرَ اللَهُ المَطايا

2. So we were blessed with a union
While the tents were heedless of it

٢. فَظَفِرنا بِوِصالٍ
غَفَلَت عَنهُ البَرايا

3. Those secrets which were hidden
Came out now that they're bidden

٣. خَرَجَت تِلكَ الأَحادي
ثُ الَّتي كانَت خَبايا

4. And we were relieved of the chiding
In the tents and the nooks residing

٤. وَاِستَرَحنا مِن عِتابٍ
في الخَبايا وَالزَوايا

5. And messages came from loved ones
Bearing gifts while hither homing

٥. وَأَتَتنا رُسُلُ الأَح
بابِ مِنهُم بِالهَدايا

6. Despite what enemies were chiding
Our affairs now concluded, aye thing!

٦. وَعَلى رُغمِ الأَعادي
فَلَقَد تَمَّت قَضايا

7. With the union of a beloved one
Whose gifts made prison staying

٧. بِوِصالٍ مِن حَبيبٍ
كَرُمَت مِنهُ السَجايا

8. And wine from pressed grapes
And talk from veiled shapes

٨. وَمُدامٍ مِن رُضابٍ
وَحَبابٍ مِن ثَنايا

9. What happened has happened but yet
Lingers after in the heart and head

٩. كانَ ما كانَ وَمِنهُ
بَعدُ في النَفسِ بَقايا

10. They said you're too old for young days
And have left behind those places

١٠. قالوا كَبِرتَ عَنِ الصِبا
وَقَطَعتَ تِلكَ الناحِيَه