
Whenever I ask after you, you do not speak plainly,

أراني كلما استخبر

1. Whenever I ask after you, you do not speak plainly,
And I strongly suspect this attitude will not succeed.

١. أَراني كُلَّما اِستَخبَر
تُ عَن حالِكَ لا تُفصِح

2. You have come to praise what others would condemn,
And to delay what you used to hasten to accomplish.

٢. وَفي غالِبِ ظَنّي أَنَّ
هَذا الوَجهَ لا يُفلِح

3. If you do not maintain your praise, why ask about one who praises?
How long will you continue in your error,

٣. لَقَد أَصبَحتَ تَستَح
سِنُ ما غَيرُكَ يَستَقبِح

4. Remaining tonight as you were this morning?
How long will you keep company with one who corrupts the land instead of setting it right?

٤. وَقَد أَخَّرتَ ما كُنتَ
بِهِ مِن قَبلُ تَستَفتِح

5. How long will a creature forbid you, though he cannot grant success?
By God, when will one who is not seen to succeed ever succeed?

٥. إِذا لَم تَحفَظِ الحَمدَ
فَلِم تَسأَلُ عَن سَبِّح

٦. إِلى كَم أَنتَ في غِيِّ
كَ تُمسي مِثلَ ما تُصبِح

٧. وَكَم تَصحَبُ مَن يُف
سِدُ في الأَرضِ وَلا يُصلِح

٨. وَكَم يَنهاكَ مَخلوقٌ
وَإِن كانَ فَلا يُنجِح

٩. فَبِاللَهِ مَتى يُفلِ
حُ مَن لَيسَ يُرى يُفلِح