1. By the right of Allah, delight me
With the distance of your face
١. بِحَقِّ اللَهِ مَتِّع
ني مِن وَجهِكَ بِالبُعدِ
2. For nothing makes me long for you
More than estrangement and aloofness
٢. فَما أَشوَقَني مِنكَ
إِلى الهِجرانِ وَالصَدِّ
3. You are unfit for jest
And unfit for earnest
٣. فَما تَصلُحُ لِلهَزلِ
وَلا تَصلُحُ لِلجَدِّ
4. What heaviness is in you
What coldness is in you
٤. وَماذا فيكَ مِن ثِقَلٍ
وَماذا فيكَ مِن بَردِ
5. So you are greeted neither with good morning
Nor farewelled with good evening
٥. فَلا صُبِّحتَ بِالخَيرِ
وَلا مُسّيتَ بِالسَعدِ