
The king of love took my reins,

ملك الغرام عنانيه

1. The king of love took my reins,
So today my troubles are prolonged.

١. مَلَكَ الغَرامُ عِنانِيَه
فَاليَومُ طالَ عَنائِيَه

2. Who will give me a heart to buy,
Other than these hard hearts?

٢. مَن لي بِقَلبٍ أَشتَري
هِ مِنَ القُلوبِ القاسِيَه

3. And to you, O king of the kingdom,
I stand complaining of my state.

٣. وَإِلَيكَ يا مَلِكَ المِلا
حِ وَقَفتُ أَشكو حالِيَه

4. My master, O my dear soul,
And O my precious life.

٤. مَولايَ يا قَلبي العَزي
زَ وَيا حَياتي الغالِيَه

5. I ask for something,
Which is not hidden from you.

٥. إِنّي لَأَطلُبُ حاجَةً
لَيسَت عَلَيكَ بِخافِيَه

6. Bestow upon me a kiss,
A gift, lest it be deprived.

٦. أَنعِم عَلَيَّ بِقُبلَةٍ
هِبَةً وَإِلّا عارِيَه

7. And I will return it to you, unharmed,
Just as it is with its eyes.

٧. وَأُعيدُها لَكَ لا عَدِم
تَ بِعَينِها وَكما هِيَه

8. And if you want more,
Take it while my soul is pleased.

٨. وَإِذا أَرَدتَ زِيادَةً
خُذها وَنَفسي راضِيَه

9. Maybe time will be generous to us,
With seclusion in a corner.

٩. فَعَسى يَجودُ لَنا الزَما
نُ بِخَلوَةٍ في زاوِيَه

10. Or would that I find you alone,
On an empty road.

١٠. أَو لَيتَني أَلقاكَ وَح
دَكَ في طَريقٍ خالِيَه