
Dark-skinned beauty, she is like a spear in color and stature

وسمراء تحكي الرمح لونا وقامة

1. Dark-skinned beauty, she is like a spear in color and stature
I have given her my heart and leadership

١. وَسَمراءَ تَحكي الرُمحَ لَوناً وَقامَةً
لَها مُهجَتي مَبذولَةٌ وَقِيادي

2. The slanderer decried her as being too tall
The words of an envious and stubborn foe

٢. وَقَد عابَها الواشي فَقالَ طَويلَةٌ
مَقالَ حَسودٍ مُظهِرٍ لِعِنادِ

3. I said to him “You bring good tidings, she is
My life, so if she is tall, that is my desire

٣. فَقُلتُ لَهُ بَشَّرتَ بِالخَيرِ إِنَّها
حَياتي فَإِن طالَت فَذاكَ مُرادي

4. Yes, I complain of her height, and it is my right
For my yearning and wakefulness have been prolonged in her

٤. نَعَم أَنا أَشكو طولَها وَيَحِقُّ لي
لَقَد طالَ فيها لَوعَتي وَسُهادي

5. Her towering height was not decried, for it
Is the first of beauties in the elegant one

٥. وَما عابَها القَدُّ الطَويلُ وَإِنَّهُ
لَأَوَّلُ حُسنٍ في المَليحَةِ بادي

6. I saw the lofty citadels guard their people
So I made her a fortress to guard my love

٦. رَأَيتُ الحُصونَ الشُمَّ تَحرُسُ أَهلَها
فَأَعدَدتُها حِصناً لِحِفظِ وِدادي