
My tongue ransoms a beloved though it does not mention him

أفدي حبيبا لساني ليس يذكره

1. My tongue ransoms a beloved though it does not mention him
And my heart does not forget him though fearing the slanderers

١. أَفدي حَبيباً لِساني لَيسَ يَذكُرُهُ
خَوفَ الوُشاةِ وَقَلبي لَيسَ يَنساهُ

2. I yearn to be engrossed in him then he prevents me
For being engrossed in him does not please him

٢. أَهوى التَهَتُّكَ فيهِ ثُمَّ يَمنَعُني
إِنَّ التَهَتُّكَ فيهِ لَيسَ يَرضاهُ

3. And people have become malicious towards us with some talk
Had what they mentioned been true I would not have cared for him

٣. وَالناسُ فينا بِبَعضِ القَولِ قَد لَهِجوا
لَو صَحَّ ما ذَكَروا ما كُنتُ آباهُ

4. O you whom I endure for what I endure
My Master, I am patient until Allah judges

٤. يا مَن أُكابِدُ فيهِ ما أُكابِدُهُ
مَولايَ أَصبِرُ حَتّى يَحكُمَ اللَهُ

5. I called another my beloved, deceiving
A group regarding you who babbled confusedly

٥. سَمَّيتُ غَيرَكَ مَحبوبي مُغالَطَةً
لَمَعشَرٍ فيكَ قَد فاهوا بِما فاهوا

6. I say Zayd, Zayd though I do not know him
He is but a name, you are its meaning

٦. أَقولُ زَيدٌ وَزَيدٌ لَستُ أَعرِفُهُ
وَإِنَّما هُوَ لَفظٌ أَنتَ مَعناهُ

7. And how often I mentioned an unimportant name
Until its mention led to your mention

٧. وَكَم ذَكَرتُ مُسَمّىً لا اِكتِراثَ بِهِ
حَتّى يَجُرَّ إِلى ذِكراكَ ذِكراهُ

8. For you, over all lovers I came to excel
He has become cherished, my Master, my Master

٨. أَتيهُ فيكَ عَلى العُشّاقِ كُلِّهِمُ
قَد عَزَّ مَن أَنتَ يا مَولايَ مَولاهُ

9. And for you I got envious enemies, though they did not reach
Each time I see their scheming as their scheming

٩. وَصارَ لي فيكَ حُسّادٌ وَلا بَلَغوا
كُلّاً أَرى مِنهُمُ دَعوايَ دَعواهُ

10. Their eyes were about to speak to me with hatred
As if the eyes of the people were their mouths

١٠. كادَت عُيونُهُمُ بِالبُغضِ تَنطِقُ لي
حَتّى كَأَنَّ عُيونَ القَومِ أَفواهُ

11. O you who came visiting one day thus honoring me
May Allah not make less my Master's arrival

١١. يامَن أَتى زائِراً يَوماً فَشَرَّفَني
لا أَصغَرَ اللَهُ مِن مَولايَ مَمشاهُ

12. I have a conversation today I want to mention
And you know apart from people its contents

١٢. عِندي حَديثٌ أُريدُ اليَومَ أَذكُرُهُ
وَأَنتَ تَعلَمُ دونَ الناسِ فَحواهُ