1. Greetings to the era of youth and adolescence
Welcome, welcome to old age as it comes
١. سَلامٌ عَلى عَهدِ الشَبيبَةِ وَالصِبا
وَأَهلاً وَسَهلاً بِالمَشيبِ وَمَرحَبا
2. O you who left me, you left with honor
O you who stays with me, you are most welcome
٢. وَيا راحِلاً عَنّي رَحَلتَ مُكَرَّماً
وَيا نازِلاً عِندي نَزَلتَ مُقَرَّبا
3. My friends, old age is a street
That abolishes the laws of youth and adolescence
٣. أَأَحبابَنا إِنَّ المَشيبَ لَشارِعٌ
لَيَنسَخَ أَحكامَ الصَبابَةِ وَالصِبا
4. And yet some youth remains in me
That renews in me passion and desire
٤. وَفِيَّ مَعَ الشَيبِ المُلِمِّ بَقِيَّةٌ
تُجَدِّدُ عِندي هِزَّةً وَتَطَرُّبا
I yearn for you whenever dawn breaks
٥. أَحِنُّ إِلَيكُم كُلَّما لاحَ بارِقٌ
وَأَسأَلُ عَنكُم كُلَّما هَبَّتِ الصَبا
6. And ask about you when the morning breeze blows
My face remained white in love of you
٦. وَما زالَ وَجهي أَبيَضاً في هَواكُمُ
إِلى أَن سَرى ذاكَ البَياضُ فَشَيَّبا
7. Until that whiteness flowed away and turned gray
This grayness you see on my temples
٧. وَلَيسَ مَشيباً ما تَرونَ بِعارِضي
فَلا تَمنَعوني أَن أَهيمَ وَأَطرَبا
8. Should not keep me from passion and joy
It is but the light of lips I kissed
٨. فَما هُوَ إِلّا نورُ ثَغرٍ لَثَمتُهُ
تَعَلَّقَ في أَطرافِ شَعري فَأَلهَبا
9. That clung to the edges of my hair and set them ablaze
I delight in the wordplay between it and me
٩. وَأَعجَبَني التَجنيسُ بَيني وَبَينَهُ
فَلَمّا تَبَدّى أَشنَباً رُحتُ أَشيَبا
10. For when it appeared bearded, I began to gray
And Hayfa, white of shawl, saw
١٠. وَهَيفاءَ بَيضاءُ التَرائِبِ أَبصَرَت
مَشيبي فَأَبدَت رَوعَةً وَتَعَجُّبا
11. My grayness and showed shock and wonder
She attributed this grayness to me, then shunned me
١١. جَنَت لِيَ هَذا الشَيبَ ثُمَّ تَجَنَّبَت
فَواحَرَبا مِمَّن جَنى وَتَجَنَّبا
12. So woe to one who attributes and shuns
My cheek complements hers in whiteness
١٢. تَناسَبَ خَدّي في البَياضِ وَخَدُّها
وَلَو دامَ مُسوَدّاً لَقَد كانَ أَنسَبا
13. And would still were it dark, for that is more fitting
And though passion shook my robes
١٣. وَإِنّي وَإِن هَزَّ الغَرامُ مَعاطِفي
لَآبى الدَنايا نَخوَةً وَتَعَرُّبا
14. I refused the world's pleasures and remained chaste
١٤. أَتيهُ عَلى كُلِّ الأَنامِ نَزاهَةً
وَأَشمَخُ إِلّا لِلصَديقِ تَأَدُّبا
15. I come to all people with integrity
And only to a friend do I show humility
١٥. وَإِن قُلتُمُ أَهوى الرَبابَ وَزَينَباً
صَدَقتُم سَلوا عَنّي الرَبابَ وَزَينَبا
16. And if you say I love the tambourine and Zainab
You speak true, ask about me the tambourine and Zainab
١٦. وَلَكِن فَتىً قَد نالَ فَضلَ بَلاغَةٍ
تَلَعَّبَ فيها بِالكَلامِ تَلَعُّبا