
What blame is there for one who has lost his youth,

ما للعذول وما ليه

1. What blame is there for one who has lost his youth,
When old age's reproach is enough for me.

١. ما لِلعَذولِ وَما لِيَه
عَذلُ المَشيبِ كَفانِيَه

2. Alas! My youth has passed away before I achieved my hopes,
And I grew weary of passions in my prime.

٢. واحَسرَتي ذَهَب الشَبا
بُ وَما بَلَغتُ مُرادِيَه

3. Now the course of my days are water-carriers for me,
So unto you from me, O companion mine,

٣. وَزَهِدتُ في وَلَعِ الصِبا
فَاليَومُ نَهري ساقِيَه

4. You know my place, indeed.
It seems as though I sit waiting for rhymes,

٤. فَإِلَيكَ عَنّي ياغَرا
مُ فَقَد عَرَفتَ مَكانِيَه

5. O you who reproach me! Vanishings have vanished
And I have uncovered my hidden thoughts.

٥. وَكَأَنَّما أَنا قَد قَعَد
تُ عَلى طَريقِ القافِيَه

6. Ask me! I will answer what pleases you,
Mentioning of my state.

٦. يا عاذِلي بَرَحَ الخَفا
ءُ وَقَد كَشَفتُ غِطائِيَه

7. And I have given you comfort, so take your comfort!
No blame is on me, neither have I blame.

٧. سَلني أُجِبكَ بِما يَسُرُّ
كَ ذِكرُهُ مِن حالِيَه

8. Know that nothing is hidden from Allah,
Everything hidden, He knows full well.

٨. وَلَقَد أَرَحتُكَ فَاِستَرِح
كُن لا عَلَيَّ وَلا ليَه

٩. وَاِعلَم بِأَنَّ اللَهَ
لا تَخفى عَلَيهِ خافِيَه