1. O you who are absent from my sight
You are present in my heart day and night
١. يا غائِبينَ عَنِ العِيا
نِ لَقَد حَضَرتُم في الفُؤادِ
2. Your life is dear to me always
And the affection between us never strays
٢. وَحَياتِكُم ما حُلتُ عَم
ما تَعهَدونَ مِنَ الوَدادِ
3. In my mind is that familiar place
Which grows fonder with time and space
٣. عِندي لَكُم ذاكَ الغَرا
مُ وَقَد تَزايَدَ بِالبُعادِ
4. When will time finally bring the day
That nearness to you is on its way
٤. فَمَتى يُبَلِّغُني الزَما
نُ بِقُربِكُم يَوماً مُرادي