1. They warned you against temptation - warnings enough -
And you tasted of reckless youth - your fill thereof;
١. نَهاكَ عَنِ الغَوايَةَ ما نَهاكا
وَذُقتَ مِنَ الصَبابَةِ ما كَفاكا
2. Long was your night-journey lost in passion's maze;
You rose ungrateful for the grace of yesterday.
٢. وَطالَ سُراكَ في لَيلِ التَصابي
وَقَد أَصبَحتَ لَم تَحمَد سُراكا
3. Grieve not o'er what befell one eve and morningtide,
But tell me, if you grieve, what can your grief provide?
٣. فَلا تَجزَع لِحادِثَةِ اللَيالي
وَقُل لي إِن جَزِعتَ فَما عَساكا
4. Why chide the turns of Fate, when in their orbit lies
The test that shows me who still loves me, who denies?
٤. وَكَيفَ تَلومُ حادِثَةً وَفيها
تَبَيَّنَ مَن أَحَبَّكَ أَو قَلاكا
5. By my life, my soul is molten for his love
Whose love has brought my own hands my destruction.
٥. بِروحي مَن تَذوبُ عَلَيهِ روحي
وَذُق ياقَلبُ ما صَنَعَت يَداكا
6. Indeed, you lived heedless of this till love taught you
The difference 'twixt your aberration and guidance.
٦. لَعَمري كُنتَ عَن هَذا غَنِيّاً
وَلَم تَعرِف ضَلالَكَ مِن هُداكا
7. I shunned love and it brought me only misery,
While you chase every hue of love that beckons you.
٧. ضَنيتُ مِنَ الهَوى وَشَقيتُ مِنهُ
وَأَنتَ تُجيبُ كُلَّ هَوىً دَعاكا
8. Leave off, my heart, the ways of love you knew before,
Can you not see that your beloved has forsaken you?
٨. فَدَع ياقَلبُ ماقَد كُنتَ فيهِ
أَلَستَ تَرى حَبيبَكَ قَد جَفاكا
9. My soul attained through him the vertigo of love-
Through him my eyes attained the dazzlement thereof.
٩. لَقَد بَلَغَت بِهِ روحي التَراقي
وَقَد نَظَرَت بِهِ عَيني الهَلاكا
10. O you who vanished from me, though you are my soul,
How can I bear this severing from my soul?
١٠. فَيا مَن غابَ عَنّي وَهوَ روحي
وَكَيفَ أُطيقُ مِن روحي اِنفِكاكا
11. Beloved mine, how could you leave me after all?
Do you not know that I have none but you?
١١. حَبيبي كَيفَ حَتّى غِبتَ عَنّي
أَتَعلَمُ أَنَّ لي أَحَداً سِواكا
12. I see you have deserted me for many a long day,
Though you never accustomed me to such before.
١٢. أَراكَ هَجَرتَني هَجراً طَويلاً
وَما عَوَّدتَني مِن قَبلُ ذاكا
13. I knew you bore impatience from me ill,
That you rebelled whene'er I said, "Adore!"
١٣. عَهِدتُكَ لاتُطيقُ الصَبرَ عَنّي
وَتَعصي في وَدادي مَن نَهاكا
14. How those traits have altered now, and who is this
Has turned you from me to a different task?
١٤. فَكَيفَ تَغَيَّرَت تِلكَ السَجايا
وَمَن هَذا الَّذي عَنّي ثَناكا
15. No, by God! You have no excuse that can avail,
For men may all be excused - all but you!
١٥. فَلا وَاللَهِ ماحاوَلتَ عُذراً
فَكُلُّ الناسِ يُعذَرُ ما خَلاكا
16. You did not choose to part from me; no, but Fate's hand
Dealt you a blow that smote and laid you low.
١٦. وَما فارَقتَني طَوعاً وَلَكِن
دَهاكَ مِنَ المَنِيَّةِ ما دَهاكا
17. Fate judged that we should part, no say had you or I;
Had you but tarried till my state was such
١٧. لَقَد حَكَمَت بِفُرقَتِنا اللَيالي
وَلَم يَكُ عَن رِضايَ وَلا رِضاكا
18. That all mankind as one would ransom you!
Grievous it is to turn my eye, and miss
١٨. فَلَيتَكَ لَو بَقيتَ لِضُعفِ حالي
وَكانَ الناسُ كُلُّهُمُ فِداكا
19. Your face in its accustomed place, and grope
To find your straight and slender form, your lip,
١٩. يَعِزُّ عَلَيَّ حينَ أُديرُ عَيني
أُفَتِّشُ في مَكانِكَ لا أَراكا
20. Your dark eyes and your brilliance gone from you.
Though to your love I sealed my heart's interior,
٢٠. وَلَم أَرَ في سِواكَ وَلا أَراهُ
شَمائِلَكَ المَليحَةَ أَو حِلاكا
21. Upon its tabled page your name is still unaltered.
Too soon Death's hand reached out to harvest you,
٢١. خَتَمتُ عَلى وِدادِكَ في ضَميري
وَلَيسَ يَزالُ مَختوماً هُناكا
22. Before you could enjoy the fruit of your own spring.
Why should I sorrow if your body wastes,
٢٢. لَقَد عَجِلَت عَلَيكَ يَدُ المَنايا
وَما اِستَوفَيتَ حَظَّكَ مِن صِباكا
23. If, after beauty's flourish, it is robbed of bloom?
Deem me not true if I profess devotion,
٢٣. فَلَو أَسَفي لِجِسمِكَ كَيفَ يَبلى
وَيَذهَبُ بَعدَ بَهجَتِهِ سَناكا
24. When I have no share in your adversity.
You died; I did not die of grief for you, betraying
٢٤. وَما لي أَدَّعي أَنّي وَفِيٌّ
وَلَستُ مُشارِكاً لَكَ في بَلاكا
25. My vow of love to you, however love called me.
How deep my shame, if they should say, "A lover!"
٢٥. تَموتُ وَما أَموتُ عَلَيكَ حُزناً
وَحَقَّ هَواكَ خُنتُكَ في هَواكا
26. When I brought no profit to you in your trouble.
With me I see how many for your loss weep long,
٢٦. وَيا خَجَلي إِذا قالوا مُحِبٌّ
وَلَم أَنفَعكَ في خَطبٍ أَتاكا
27. But none weeps as one weeps for their own weeping's sake.
O you whose far and lonely journey now draws nigh,
٢٧. أَرى الباكينَ فيكَ مَعي كَثيراً
وَلَيسَ كَمَن بَكى مَن قَد تَباكى
28. Say, when will you come back to greet those who bid you stay?
God give you from me all good that may befall,
٢٨. فَيا مَن قَد نَوى سَفَراً بَعيداً
مَتى قُل لي رُجوعُكَ مَن نَواكا
29. And I know that from me He gave you only good thereby.
O tomb of him I love! Would I might bear,
٢٩. جَزاكَ اللَهُ عَنّي كُلَّ خَيرٍ
وَأَعلَمُ أَنَّهُ عَنّي جَزاكا
30. Were it but once, your soil upon my eyelids!
May showers water you unceasingly, but if not,
٣٠. فَيا قَبرَ الحَبيبِ وَدِدتُ أَنّي
حَمَلتُ وَلَو عَلى عَيني ثَراكا
31. My streaming tears have watered you no end.
Still does my salutation hover, with the breeze,
٣١. سَقاكَ الغَيثُ هَتّاناً وَإِلّا
فَحَسبُكَ مِن دُموعي ما سَقاكا
32. About the particles that were your mortal dress.
٣٢. وَلا زالَ السَلامُ عَلَيكَ مِنّي
يَرُفُ مَعَ النَسيمِ عَلى ذُراكا