1. The blackest in nature, no good can be found,
His breath is foul, his way crude and unsound,
١. وَأَسوَدَ مافيهِ مِنَ الخَيرِ خَصلَةٌ
لَهُ زَفرَةٌ مِن شَرِّهِ وَشُواظُ
2. His manners, his deeds, his face and his head,
Are utterly ugly and hardened with dread,
٢. خَلائِقُهُ وَالفِعلُ وَالوَجهُ وَالقَفا
قَبائِحُ سوءٍ كُلُّها وَغِلاظُ
3. A raven he is, yet no covering can hide,
His vice and disgrace so stark and espied,
٣. غُرابٌ وَلَكِن لَيسَ يَستُرُ سَوأَةً
وَكَلبٌ وَلَكِن لَيسَ فيهِ حِفاظُ