
My beloved, what is this aloofness I see

حبيبي ما هذا الجفاء الذي أرى

1. My beloved, what is this aloofness I see
And where is the tolerance between us and tenderness

١. حَبيبِيَ ما هَذا الجَفاءُ الَّذي أَرى
وَأَينَ التَغاضي بَينَنا وَالتَعَطُّفُ

2. You have something today I have no doubt disturbs me
So what is your face, the face I used to know

٢. لَكَ اليَومَ أَمرٌ لا أَشُكُّ يُريبُني
فَما وَجهُكَ الوَجهُ الَّذي كُنتُ أَعرِفُ

3. The slanderers have certainly conveyed falsehoods about me
And I'm tired of what they say, as they exaggerate and go too far

٣. لَقَد نَقَلَ الواشونَ عَنِّيَ باطِلاً
وَمِلتُ لِما قالوا فَزادوا وَأَسرَفوا

4. It's as if you've believed their talk about me
Far be it from you, this is beneath your noble nature

٤. كَأَنَّكَ قَد صَدَّقتَ فِيَّ حَديثَهُم
وَحاشاكَ مِن هَذا وَخُلقُكَ أَشرَفُ

5. And people's talk about people has happened before us
Jacob was accused and Joseph stolen away

٥. وَقَد كانَ قَولُ الناسِ في الناسِ قَبلَنا
فَفُنِّدَ يَعقوبٌ وَسُرِّقَ يوسُفُ

6. By your life, tell me what you have heard
For you know what you say and judge fairly

٦. بِعَيشِكَ قُل لي ما الَّذي قَد سَمَعتَهُ
فَإِنَّكَ تَدري ما تَقولُ وَتُنصِفُ

7. If it is something true I said
Then words have interpretations and turns

٧. فَإِن كانَ قَولاً صَحَّ أَنِّيَ قُلتُهُ
فَلِلقَولِ تَأويلٌ وَلِلقَولِ مَصرَف

8. And if it is a revelation from God
People have altered the Torah and exaggerated

٨. وَهَب أَنَّهُ قَولٌ مِنَ اللَهِ مُنزَلٌ
فَقَد بَدَّلَ التَوراةَ قَومٌ وَحَرَّفوا

9. We will have a momentous day and reckoning

٩. وَها أَنا وَالواشي وَأَنتَ جَميعُنا
يَكونُ لَنا يَومٌ عَظيمٌ وَمَوقِفُ