
He stayed up to keep an appointment

جعل الرقاد لكي يواصل موعدا

1. He stayed up to keep an appointment
How can I sleep while in love with him?

١. جَعَلَ الرُقادَ لِكَي يُواصِلَ مَوعِدا
مِن أَينَ لي في حُبِّهِ أَن أَرقُدا

2. My beloved became my killer
By God if he were a foe, he would not have done so

٢. وَهُوَ الحَبيبُ فَكيفَ أَصبَحَ قاتِلي
وَاللَهِ لَو كانَ العَدُوُّ لَما عَدا

3. How many blamed me and left while
Blame never reached my ears or they left

٣. كَم راحَ نَحوي لائِمٌ وَغَدا وما
راحَ المَلامُ بِمَسمَعَيَّ وَلا غَدا

4. In every upright, slender one, gently swaying
Sweetly bent, folding and unfolding

٤. في كُلِّ مُعتَدِلِ القَوامِ مُهَفهَفٍ
حُلوِ التَثَنّي وَالثَنايا أَغيَدا

5. He recalls a gazelle, delightful and shy
While some say, slender and counterfeit

٥. يَحكي الغَزالَةَ بَهجَةً وَتَباعُداً
وَيَقولُ قَومٌ مُقلَةً وَمُقَلَّدا

6. And so they said, the branch resembles his stature
Oh his stature, all branches are sacrificed for you

٦. وَكَذاكَ قالوا الغُصنُ يُشبِهُ قَدَّهُ
يا قَدَّهُ كُلُّ الغُصونِ لَكَ الفِدا

7. Oh you who pierce my heart with the arrows of your glances
Did you think my heart was like your frozen heart?

٧. يا رامِياً قَلبي بِأَسهُمِ لَحظِهِ
أَحَسِبتَ قَلبي مِثلَ قَلبِكَ جَلمَدا

8. And I swear by your love, if not for the injustice of love's rule
My eyelid would not lie down enslaved by desire of you

٨. وَهَواكَ لَولا جورُ أَحكامِ الهَوى
ما باتَ طَرفي في هَواكَ مُسَهَّدا

9. And to you I complain about the blame of a lover
For the complainant blames only the most ardent lover

٩. وَإِلَيكَ عاذِلُ عَن مَلامَةِ مُغرَمٍ
ما أتَهَمَ العُذّالُ إِلا أَنجَدا

10. Do you not see the smile of flowers, delighted
And the bare branches have worn clothes?

١٠. أَوَما تَرى ثَغرَ الأَزاهرِ باسِماً
فَرَحاً وَعُريانَ الغُصونِ قَد اِرتَدى

11. The clouds stopped over the meadows, confused
The breeze walked through the gardens fettered

١١. وَقَفَ السَحابُ عَلى الرُبى مُتَحَيِّراً
وَمَشى النَسيمُ عَلى الرِياضِ مُقَيَّدا

12. Your veiled face in daylight allure me
Your blushing cheek in the darkness delight me

١٢. وَيَشوقُني وَجهُ النَهارِ مُلَثَّماً
وَيَروقُني خَدُّ الأَصيلِ مَوَرَّدا

13. As if the sighing breeze gives thanks
For the glory of our master, benefactor of all

١٣. وَكَأَنَ أَنفاسَ النَسيمِ إِذا سَرَت
شَكَرَت لِمَجدِ الدينِ مَولانا يَدا

14. A master whose fame is disseminated among all people
His dew nurtured by clouds, supported

١٤. مَولىً لَهُ في الناسِ ذِكرٌ مُرسَلٌ
وَنَدىً رَوَتهُ السُحُبُ عَنهُ مُسنَّدا

15. The dew befriended the sword, resting in his palm
As if it were Arabic script and Indian steel

١٥. أَلِفَ النَدى وَالسَيفَ راحةُ كَفِّهِ
فَهُما هُناكَ مُعرَّباً وَمُهَنَّدا

16. When he rides his steed it is as if
He is a star and the galaxy is his pasture

١٦. وَإِذا اِستَقَلَ عَلى الجَوادِ كَأَنَّهُ
ظامٍ وَقَد ظَنَّ المَجَرَّةَ مَورِدا

17. He gave the reins to it there as an orb
And its saddlecloth became his prayer mat

١٧. جَعَلَ العِنانَ لَهُ هُنالِكَ سُبحَةً
وَغَدا لَهُ سَرجُ المُطَهَّمِ مَسجِدا

18. A master who gives freely without being asked
He attained his wishes through generosity and returned as he began

١٨. مَولىً بَدا مِن غَيرِ مَسأَلَةٍ بِما
حازَ المُنى كَرَماً وَعادَ كَما بَدا

19. He attains a generosity that not even the clouds attain
On any day, though the clouds are the most generous

١٩. وَأَنالَ جوداً لا السَحابُ يُنيلُهُ
يَوماً وَإِن كانَ السَحابُ الأَجوَدا

20. He brings honor to the chiefs of Yemen
Supreme in worth, of purest descent

٢٠. يُعزى لِقَومٍ سادَةٍ يَمَنِيَّةٍ
أَعلى الوَرى قَدراً وَأَزكى مَحتِدا

21. Who milk sustenance from its udders
And ignite its bow for determined purpose

٢١. الحالِبينَ البُدنَ مِن أَوداجِها
وَالموقِدينَ لَها القَنا المُتَقَصِّدا

22. Who defeat hearts with awe
And join hearts with affection

٢٢. وَالغالِبينَ عَلى القُلوبِ مَهابَةً
وَالواصِلينَ إِلى القُلوبِ تَوَدُّدا

23. And when the battle cry calls them to the fray
They make the neighing of the swift steeds an echo

٢٣. وَإِذا الصَريخُ دَعاهُمُ لمُلِمَّةٍ
جَعَلوا صَليلَ المُرهَفاتِ لَهُ صَدى

24. Oh master builder of glorious deeds
Neither does the West outrank you as master and builder

٢٤. يا سَيِّداً لِلمَكرُماتِ مُشَيِّداً
لا فُلَّ غَربُكَ سَيِّداً وَمُشَيِّدا

25. You have irrefutable proof in the highest pursuits
An argument that cannot be disputed or guided

٢٥. لَكَ في المَعالي حُجَّةٌ لا تُدعى
لِمُعانِدٍ وَمَحَجَّةٌ لا تُهتَدى

26. The month of fasting has come to you, O you whose worth
To us is like Laylat Al Qadr, it cannot be denied

٢٦. وَافاكَ شَهرُ الصَومِ يا مَن قَدرُهُ
فينا كَليلةِ قَدرِهِ لَن يُجحَدا

27. You will live a thousand years like it
Its rewards for you multiplying and renewing

٢٧. وَبَقَيتَ حَيّاً أَلفَ عامٍ مِثلَهُ
مُتَضاعِفاً لَكَ أَجرُهُ مُتَعَدِّدا

28. And with you all time is Ramadan, O you
Who never ceases fasting vigilantly devoted

٢٨. وَالدَهرُ عِندَكَ كُلُّهُ رَمَضانُ يا
مَن لَيسَ يَبرَحُ صائِماً مُتَهَجِّدا