1. How many things appeared from you
That we didn't know before
١. تُرى كَم قَد بَدَت مِنكُم
أُمورٌ ما عَهِدناها
2. And you said things
Whose meanings we don't understand
٢. وَعَرَّضتُم بِأَقوالٍ
وَما نَجهَلُ مَعناها
3. You dug up between us things
That we had buried
٣. نَبَشتُم بَينَنا أَشيا
ءَ كُنّا قَد دَفَنّاها
4. And you took the path of betrayal
A path we never took
٤. وَطَرَّقتُم إِلى الغَدرِ
طَريقاً ما سَلَكناها
5. You gave ugly names
And praised what was named
٥. وَقَبَّحتُم بِأَسماءٍ
وَحَسَّنتُم مُسَمّاها
6. And how many talks came to us about you
That we denied
٦. وَكَم جاءَت لَنا عَنكُم
أَحاديثٌ رَدَدناها
7. And things we saw
And said we didn't see
٧. وَأَشياءٌ رَأَيناها
وَقُلنا ما رَأَيناها
8. No, by Allah, remembering them
Does no good among people
٨. فَلا وَاللَهِ مايَح
سُنُ بَينَ الناسِ ذِكراها
9. We read the evil omens about you
Rather we memorized them
٩. قَرَأنا سُؤَةَ السَلوا
نِ عَنكُم بَل حَفِظناها
10. And you didn't stop with us until
We were daring and did it
١٠. وَما زِلتُم بِنا حَتّى
جَسَرنا وَفَعَلناها
11. So a foot that seeks access
To you, we denied it
١١. فَرِجلٌ تَطلِبُ المَسعى
إِلَيكُم قَد مَنَعناها
12. And an eye that wishes
To see you, we lowered it
١٢. وَعَينٌ تَتَمَنّى أَن
تَراكُم قَد غَضَضناها
13. And a soul whenever it longed
To meet you, we deterred it
١٣. وَنَفسٌ كُلَّما اِشتاقَت
لِلُقياكُم زَجَرناها
14. And there was a connection between us
So here we are, we blocked it
١٤. وَكانَت بَينَنا طاقٌ
فَها نَحنُ سَدَدناها
15. And if you were the gardens
Of Eden, we wouldn't enter them
١٥. وَلَو أَنَّكُمُ جَنّا
تُ عَدنٍ ما دَخَلناها
16. And as for the other situation
We asked about it
١٦. وَأَمّا الحالَةُ الأُخرى
فَإِنّا قَد سَلَوناها
17. And it died, so we prayed
Over it and buried it
١٧. وَقَد ماتَت وَصَلَّينا
عَليها وَدَفَنّاها
18. We abandoned mentioning it until
It was as if we never knew it
١٨. هَجَرنا ذِكرَها حَتّى
كَأَنّا ما عَرَفناها
19. And here we are, and here you are
When did we ever mention it?
١٩. وَها نَحنُ وَها أَنتُم
مَتى قَطُّ ذَكَرناها
20. And in the soul there remain
Conversations we concealed
٢٠. وَفي النَفسِ بَقايا مِن
أَحاديثٍ خَبَأناها
21. If spirits satisfied you from us
We would give them
٢١. فَلَو أَرضَتكُمُ الأَروا
حُ مِنّا لَبَذَلناها