1. I am tasked with a sun unseen by the sun itself
I watch it with a thousand eyes and an eyebrow
١. كَلِفتُ بِشَمسٍ لا تَرى الشَمسُ وَجهَها
أُراقِبُ فيها أَلفَ عَينٍ وَحاجِبِ
2. Protected by horses, people and spears
My writings fade against the crush of battalions
٢. مُمَنَّعَةٍ بِالخَيلِ وَالقَومِ وَالقَنا
وَتَضعُفُ كُتبي عَن زِحامِ الكَتائِبِ
3. Were the winds to carry my regards to her
They would not break through between the spears and ships
٣. وَلَو حَمَلَت عَنّي الرِياحُ تَحِيَّةً
لَما نَفَذَت بَينَ القَنا وَالقَواضِبِ
4. I have from her no mercy but that I
Comfort myself with false hopes
٤. فَما لِيَ مِنها رَحمَةٌ غَيرَ أَنَّني
أُعَلِّلُ نَفسي بِالأَماني الكَواذِبِ
5. I envy a letter that is part of her name
Seen by the eye in a scribe's script
٥. أَغارُ عَلى حَرفٍ يَكونُ مِنِ اِسمِها
إِذا ما رَأَتهُ العَينُ في خَطِّ كاتِبِ