
O Muhammad, generosity is your nature,

أمحمد والجود فيك سجية

1. O Muhammad, generosity is your nature,
Its good mention brings you joy,

١. أَمُحَمَّدٌ وَالجودُ فيكَ سَجِيَّةٌ
يَهنيكَ طَيِّبُ ذِكرِها يَهنيكا

2. I call upon you, the call of one certain,
That he will attain what he hopes, when he calls upon you,

٢. أَدعوكَ دِعوَةَ مَن تَيَقَّنَ أَنَّهُ
سَيَنالُ مايَرجوهُ إِذ يَدعوكا

3. You have accustomed me to abundant kindness,
And you never cease to accustom one who hopes in you,

٣. عَوَّدتَني البِرَّ الجَزيلَ وَلَم تَزَل
أَبَداً تُعَوِّدُهُ الَّذي يَرجوكا

4. Therefore if you examined my heart, you would not find,
For you in sincere loyalty, a partner,

٤. فَلِذاكَ لَو فَتَّشتَ قَلبي لَم تَجِد
لَكَ في الوَلاءِ المَحضِ فيهِ شَريكا

5. This is my talk, from a truthful conscience,
And ask your conscience, it will inform you,

٥. هَذا حَديثي عَن ضَميرٍ صادِقٍ
وَاِسأَل ضَميرَكَ إِنَّهُ يُنبيكا

6. Why is it not hoped from you, attainment of wishes?
And your father, on the day of pride, is your father,

٦. لِم لايُرَجّى مِنكَ إِدراكُ المُنى
وَأَبوكَ في يَومِ الفَخارِ أَبوكا

7. And if a speaker talks of your benevolence,
The sea is your servant, I do not say, your brother,

٧. وَإِذا تَحَدَّثَ عَن نَداكَ مُحَدِّثٌ
فَالبَحرُ عَبدُكَ لا أَقولُ أَخوكا

8. It came stimulating your resolve,
Which I have never known to be in need of stimulating,

٨. جاءَت مُحَرِّكَةً لِهِمَّتِكَ الَّتي
ماخِلتُها مُحتاجَةً تَحريكا

9. So if you bestow what you have promised, generous,
For the like of that, I have not ceased to hope in you,

٩. فَلَئِن مَنَنتَ بِما وَعَدتَ تَكَرُّماً
فَلِمِثلِ ذَلِكَ لَم أَزَل أَرجوكا

10. And if you forget, and how could you forget intentionally,
Other than you, who forgets one he owns?

١٠. وَلَئِن نَسيتَ وَما إِخالُكَ ناسِياً
فَسِواكَ مَن يَنسى لَهُ مَملوكا