1. Our day is a rainy day
And we have a cup that goes around
١. يَومُنا يَومٌ مَطيرُ
وَلَنا كَأسٌ تَدورُ
2. And a place where the earth thinks
We travel upon it
٢. وَمُقامٌ تَحسَبُ الأَر
ضَ بِنا فيهِ تَسيرُ
3. A potion has taken from us
And the ages have taken from it
٣. أَخَذَت مِنّا عُقارٌ
أَخَذَت مِنها الدُهورُ
4. It was gentle with the base until
It was said a secret and a conscience
٤. لَطُفَت بِالدَنِّ حَتّى
قيلَ سِرٌّ وَضَميرُ
5. So it faded except a little
All of it was that little
٥. فَنِيَت إِلّا يَسيراً
كُلُّها ذاكَ اليَسيرُ
6. So it is fire in the cups
And it is light in the intestines
٦. فَهِيَ في الكاساتِ نارٌ
وَهِيَ في الأَحشاءِ نورُ
7. And it is as if the cup is true
And it is as if the comfort is false
٧. وَكَأَنَّ الكَأَس حَقٌّ
وَكَأَنَّ الراحَ زورُ
8. And from the basil and flowers
Is green and blossoming
٨. وَمِنَ الرَيحانِ وَالأَز
هارِ غَضٌّ وَنَضيرُ
9. And our companions in it are life
As it is said, short
٩. وَنَدامى بِهِمُ العَي
شُ كَما قيلَ قَصيرُ
10. And cupbearers like what we desire
Suns and full moons
١٠. وَسُقاةٌ مِثلَ ما نَه
وى شُموسٌ وَبُدورُ
11. And a singer who in what
People think is a prince
١١. وَمُغَنٍّ هُوَ فيما
يَحسَبُ الناسُ أَميرُ
12. Has no peer in what he sings
And when he sings the earth
١٢. ما لَهُ فيما يُغَنّي
هِ مِنَ الظُرفِ نَظيرُ
13. Billows from him and rages
And he if you wish is wealthy
١٣. وَإِذا غَنّى تَموجُ ال
أَرضُ مِنهُ وَتَمورُ
14. And he if you wish is poor
And the people disappear in the sitting
١٤. وَهُوَ إِن شِئتَ غَنِيٌّ
وَهُوَ إِن شِئتَ فَقيرُ
15. And the people are present
And we have a cook who is neat
١٥. وَيَغيبُ القَومُ في المَج
لِسِ وَالقَومُ حُضورُ
16. And gentle and expert
And pots that bubbled so
١٦. وَلَنا طاهٍ نَظيفٌ
وَظَريفٌ وَخَبيرُ
17. They overflow on the embers
A sitting - if you visit us in it
١٧. وَقُدورٌ هَدَرَت فَه
يَ عَلى الجَمرِ تَفورُ
18. Then happiness is complete
All you seek in it
١٨. مَجلِسٌ إِن زُرتَنا في
هِ فَقَد تَمَّ السُرورُ
19. Is beautiful and plentiful
١٩. كُلُ ما تَطلُبُهُ في
هِ مَليحٌ وَكَثيرُ