
I learned to write in the sand when you left me

تعلمت خط الرمل لما هجرتم

1. I learned to write in the sand when you left me
Perhaps I would find in it a sign of reunion

١. تَعَلَّمتُ خَطَّ الرَملِ لَمّا هَجَرتُمُ
لَعَلّي أَرى فيهِ دَليلاً عَلى الوَصلِ

2. Whiteness and redness enticed me to it
I knew them on a cheek that robbed my mind

٢. وَرَغَّبَني فيهِ بَياضٌ وَحُمرَةٌ
عَهَدتُهُما في وَجنَةٍ سَلَبَت عَقلي

3. They said it was a path, I said: O Lord, to the encounter
They said it was a gathering, I said: O Lord, for the union

٣. وَقالوا طَريقٌ قُلتُ يارَبِّ لِلِّقا
وَقالوا اِجتِماعٌ قُلتُ يا رَبِّ لِلشَملِ

4. So I became among you like crazed Aamir
Do not deny that I scribble in the sand

٤. فَأَصبَحتُ فيكُم مِثلَ مَجنونِ عامِرٍ
فَلا تُنكِروا أَنّي أُخُطُّ عَلى الرَملِ