1. I have tender words of longing that I cherish,
Yet I do not confide them to books or messengers.
١. عِندي أَحاديثُ أَشواقٍ أَضَنُّ بِها
فَلَستُ أودِعُها لِلكُتبِ وَالرُسُلِ
2. I have letters borne on the folds of the breeze for you -
Search in them for traces of kisses.
٢. وَلي رَسائِلُ في طَيِّ النَسيمِ لَكُم
فَفتِّشوا فيهِ آثاراً مِنَ القُبَلِ
3. I have kept my love for you from each bodily faculty,
From hearing, speech, and eyes.
٣. كَتَمتُ حُبَّكُم عَن كُلِّ جارِحَةٍ
مِنَ المَسامِعِ وَالأَفواهِ وَالمُقَلِ
4. My affection for you has not changed from what it was before;
Take my words about my early days.
٤. وَما تَغَيَّرتُ عَن ذاكَ الوِدادِ لَكُم
خُذوا حَديثي عَن أَيّامِيَ الأُوَلِ
5. Between you and me is something you know well:
A love kept safe from fault or boredom,
٥. بَيني وَبَينَكُم ما تَعلَمونَ بِهِ
حُبٌّ يُنَزَّهُ عَن عَيبٍ وَعَن مَلَلِ
6. Affection with no pretense to adorn it,
That makes jewelry and necklaces superfluous.
٦. وُدٌّ بِلا مَلَقٍ مِنّا يُزَخرِفُهُ
يُغني المَليحَةَ عَن حَليٍ وَعَن حُلَلَلِ
7. You went away, and I have no intimacy to console me for your absence
Except recollection, hope, and making excuses.
٧. غِبتُم فَما لِيَ مِن أُنسٍ لِغَيبَتِكُم
سِوى التَعَلُّلِ بِالتَذكارِ وَالأَمَلِ
8. I scheme in sleep to meet your phantom,
For lovers need their stratagems.
٨. أَحتالُ في النَومِ كَي أَلقى خَيالَكُمُ
إِنَّ المِحِبَّ لَمُحتاجٌ إِلى الحِيَلِ
9. After my beloved, I have shunned poetry altogether,
So no gazelle diverts me, nor verses of mine.
٩. بَعدَ الحَبيبِ هَجَرتُ الشِعرَ أَجمَعُهُ
فَلا غَزالٌ يُلَهّيني وَلا غَزَلي
10. When a critic ordered me to show patience, I said to him:
"Indeed, by your life, I am too busy for criticism!"
١٠. وَعاذِلٍ آمِرٍ بِالصَبرِ قُلتُ لَهُ
إِنّي وَحَقِّكَ مَشغولٌ عَنِ العَذَلِ
11. You asked of me something I do not possess;
take my oath, all I own, and whatever is still to come.
١١. طَلَبتَ مِنِّيَ شَيئاً لَستُ أَملِكُهُ
وَخُذ يَميني وَما عِندي وَما قِبَلي
12. You prolonged reproach of a lover who will not accept it,
So it was more futile than tears shed on a ruined abode.
١٢. أَطَلتَ عَذلَ مُحِبٍّ لَيسَ يَقبَلُهُ
فَكانَ أَضيَعَ مِن دَمعٍ عَلى طَلَلِ
13. I confess I cannot show the patience you recommend,
And if I could, such patience would be no consolation.
١٣. إِنّي لَأَعجَزُ عَن صَبرٍ تُشيرُ بِهِ
وَلو قَدَرتُ لَكانَ الصَبرُ أَروَحَ لي