
How long, for how long

حتى متى وإلى متى

1. How long, for how long
Will I remain between estrangement and longing?

١. حَتّى مَتى وَإِلى مَتى
أَنا بَينَ هِجرانٍ وَبَينِ

2. Whether it is aloofness or separation
What an ordeal between these two!

٢. أَمّا الصُدودُ أَوِ الفِرا
قُ فَيالَها مِن مِحنَتَينِ

3. I have two opponents
In dire straits, nay double dire straits

٣. خَصمانِ لي أَنا مِنهُما
في شِدَّةٍ بَل شِدَّتَينِ

4. I know not what the reason was
That existed between them and me

٤. لَم أَدرِ ما السَبَبُ الَّذي
قَد كانَ بَينَهُما وَبَيني

5. They have accompanied me since I was created
As one who demands a debt from me

٥. قَد لازَماني مُذ خُلِق
تُ كَمَن يُطالِبُني بِدَينِ

6. Then my state persisted
With the continuity of those two states

٦. ثُمَّ اِستَمَرَّت حالَتي
بِدَوامِ تِلكَ الحالَتَينِ

7. And they dragged me forcibly, I have not stopped
My heart being their prisoner and my eye

٧. وَهَلُمَّ جَرّاً لَم أَزَل
قَلبي أَسيرَهُما وَعَيني

8. And the human is frightened
Always by those two regrets

٨. وَالآدَمِيُّ مُرَوَّعٌ
أَبَداً بِتِلكَ الحَسرَتَينِ

9. Before completing sixty
He tastes the flavor of the two separations

٩. ما أَكمَلَ السِتّينَ حَت
تى ذاقَ طَعمَ الفُرقَتَينِ