1. To your justice I end my words and stop
So be kindly disposed to me and listen
١. إِلى عَدلِكُم أُنهي حَديثي وَأَنتَهي
فَجودوا بِإِقبالٍ عَلَيَّ وَإِصغاءِ
2. I reproached you with the reproach of a lover to his beloved
And I spoke with humility, so speak genuinely
٢. عَتَبتُكُمُ عَتبَ المُحِبِّ حَبيبَهُ
وَقُلتُ بِإِذلالٍ فَقولوا بِإِصفاءِ
3. Perhaps you were kept from visiting me
Fearing the tears and sighs from my eyes
٣. لَعَلَّكُمُ قَد صَدَّكُم عَن زِيارَتي
مَخافَةُ أَمواهٍ لِدَمعي وَأَنواءِ
4. If the love you claim were true
And you were sincere in it, you would walk on water
٤. فَلَو صَدَقَ الحُبُّ الَّذي تَدَّعونَهُ
وَأَخلَصتُمُ فيهِ مَشَيتُم عَلى الماءِ
5. And if you feared the flames of my breath
And the fires of passion within me alarmed you
٥. وَإِن تَكُ أَنفاسي خَشيتُم لَهيبَها
وَهالَتكُمُ نَيرانُ وَجدٍ بِأَحشائي
6. Then be like al-Rifa’i in love once
And plunge into the flames of my burning passion
٦. فَكونوا رِفاعِيِّينَ في الحُبِّ مَرَّةً
وَخوضوا لَظى نارٍ لِشَوقِيَ حَرّاءِ
7. I am forbidden your approval if I am content without you
Or I am distracted from you in the gardens by a houri
٧. حُرِمتُ رِضاكُم إِن رَضيتُ بِغَيرِكُم
أَوِ اِعتَضتُ عَنكُم في الجِنانِ بِحَوراءِ