
Take it empty and bring it full

خذ فارغا وهاته ملآنا

1. Take it empty and bring it full
Of coffee freed from time's rule

١. خُذ فارِغاً وَهاتِهِ مَلآنا
مِن قَهوَةٍ قَد عُتِّقَت أَزمانا

2. The least its owner has ruled
Is that it met Anoushirwan's days

٢. أَقَلُّ ما مَلَكَها مالِكُها
أَن لَحِقَت عَهدَ أَنو شَروانا

3. The monk's treasure, that he makes
An offering when his feasts come

٣. ذَخيرَةُ الراهِبِ كَي يَجعَلَها
إِذا أَتَت أَعيادُهُ قُربانا

4. A liquor whose traits aren't summed
Unless its hearer bends, drunk

٤. مُدامَةٌ ماذُكِرَت أَوصافُها
إِلّا اِنثَنى سامِعُها سَكرانا

5. Its glimmers, when first shown, give
Sight itself to the blind man

٥. تَكادُ مِن لَألائِها إِذا بَدَت
تُهدي إِلى مَكانِها العُميانا

6. Like fire but when lit
In the cup, quenches all flames

٦. كَالنارِ إِلّا أَنَّها ما أُوقِدَت
في الكَأسِ إِلّا أَطفَأَت نيرانا

7. No greater king in his reign
Than he who toasted with it in joy

٧. ما المَلِكُ الأَعظَمُ في سُلطانِهِ
إِلّا الَّذي أَضحى بِها نَشوانا

8. How many low it uplifted and graced
Miser it opened up, coward made bold

٨. كَم رَفَعَت مُتَّضِعاً وَكَرَّمَت
مُبَخَّلاً وَشَجَّعَت جَبانا

9. A girl runs with it, when she sways
Shaming the bend of branches with her grace

٩. تَسعى بِها جارِيَةٌ إِذا اِنثَنَت
أَخجَلَ لينُ عِطفِها أَغصانا

10. I stayed to give it to a girl who gathered
For her lovers, beauty and goodness

١٠. بِتُّ أُعاطيها فَتاةً جَمَعَت
لِعاشِقيها الحُسنَ وَالإِحسانا

11. Perfect of feature, she told of the supple branch
Watering, or the thirsty fawn

١١. كامِلَةَ الحُسنِ حَكَت غُصنَ النَقا
الرَيّانَ أَو غَزالَهُ العَطشانا

12. Red-lipped, in her right hand
A goblet of wine stains the lips red

١٢. مَخضوبَةَ البَنانِ في يَمينِها
كَأسُ مُدامٍ تَخضِبُ البَنانا

13. And I have a noble boon companion I wouldn't
Trade for another, whoever he may be

١٣. وَلي نَديمٌ ماجِدٌ لا أَرتَضي
عَنهُ بَديلاً كائِناً مَن كانا

14. A brother of jokes, whenever you're with him
In company, you find it a garden

١٤. أَخو فُكاهاتٍ مَتى حاضَرتَهُ
في مَجلِسٍ وَجَدتَهُ بُستانا

15. Sweet of speech, and if he sings to you
You won't find him, in his tunes, a composer

١٥. حُلوُ الأَحاديثِ وَإِن غَنّاكَ لَم
تَجِدهُ في أَلحانِهِ لَحّانا

16. He knows no care, that lad who knows him
Nor will you see his companion showing regret

١٦. لا يَعرِفُ الهَمَّ فَتىً يَعرِفُهُ
وَلا تَرى نَديمَهُ نَدمانا