1. O Master, for whom among the people there is no substitute,
O You who are my hope and my aspiration,
١. يا سَيِّداً ما مِنهُ في الناسِ بَدَل
يا مَن هُوَ الرَجاءُ لي وَهُوَ الأَمَل
2. My Master, what can be done, tell me what is the way,
If what they have said is true, then do not question,
٢. مَولايَ ما الحيلَةُ قُل لي ما العَمَل
إِن صَحَّ ما قَد ذَكَروا فَلا تَسَل
3. I have no power and stratagems are of no use,
What makes me forget the gazelle and the love talk has come,
٣. لاحَولَ لي وَما عَسى تُغني الحِيَل
قَد جاءَ ما أَنسى الغَزالَ وَالغَزَل
4. So the heart has busied itself with it, rather it has become inflamed,
With a caravan as they say in the proverb,
٤. فَاِشتَغَلَ القَلبُ بِهِ بَلِ اِشتَعَل
وَسَفرَةٍ كَما يُقالُ في المَثَل
5. I have in it neither she-camel nor camel,
One like you in it is sufficient and has provided,
٥. ما لِيَ فيها ناقَةٌ وَلا جَمَل
مِثلُكَ فيها مَن كَفى وَمن كَفَل
6. On you after Allah it depends in it the relied upon,
If I have burdened so in you is the tolerance,
٦. عَلَيكَ بَعدَ اللَهِ فيها المُتَّكَل
إِن كُنتَ ثَقَّلتُ فَفيكَ المُحتَمَل
7. How many errors you have concealed and how many slips,
One like you is hoped for when tribulations descend,
٧. كَم خَطَإٍ سَتَرتَهُ وَكَم خَطَل
مِثلُكَ مَن يُرجى إِذا الخَطبُ نَزَل
8. It is good that he should do good in word and deed,
Remembers if he speaks and forgets what he has done.
٨. يَحسُنُ أَن يُحسِنَ قَولاً وَعَمَل
يَذكُرُ إِن قالَ وَيَنسى ما فَعَل