
O absent one, though far, still dear art thou

يا غائبا وجميله

1. O absent one, though far, still dear art thou
To me, though lost in distance near or far

١. يا غائِباً وَجَميلُهُ
ما غابَ في بُعدٍ وَقُربِ

2. For thee still longs this heart that constant glows
And for thy sake bears many an inward scar

٢. أَشكو لَكَ الشَوقَ الَّذي
لاقَيتَهُ وَالذَنبُ ذَنبي

3. Perchance thy grace may pity thy poor friend
And comfort give to my sad heart forlorn

٣. فَعَسى بِفَضلٍ مِنكَ أَن
تَرعى رَفيقَكَ وَهوَ قَلبي

4. Ask of my state and what my letters send
But read them not, their tale is only mourn

٤. وَاِسأَلهُ عَن أَخبارِهِ
وَاِستَغنِ عَن مَضمونِ كُتُبي