
O branch of softness, were it not for your swaying gait

أغصن النقا لولا القوام المهفهف

1. O branch of softness, were it not for your swaying gait
The meaning would not have fallen in love with you

١. أَغُصنَ النَقا لَولا القَوامُ المُهَفهَفُ
لَما كانَ يَهواكَ المُعَنّى المُعَنَّفُ

2. And O gazelle, if you lacked beauty
That which I love would not have been praised

٢. وَيا ظَبيُ لَولا أَنَّ فيكَ مَحاسِناً
حَكَينَ الَّذي أَهوى لَما كُنتَ توصَفُ

3. I was encumbered by a branch, a branch embellished with pearls
And I was tempted by a gazelle, a gazelle with beautiful eyes

٣. كَلِفتُ بِغُصنٍ وَهوَ غُصنٌ مُمَنطَقٌ
وَهِمتُ بِظَبيٍ وَهوَ ظَبيٌ مُشَنَّفُ

4. And of that which consoled me, was his bashfulness
I say he barely glanced, though he stared intently

٤. وَمِمّا دَهاني أَنَّهُ مِن حَيائِهِ
أَقولُ كَليلٌ طَرفُهُ وَهوَ مُرهَفُ

5. And this is also like the garden of his cheek
Where a rose is called doubling though it doubles

٥. وَذَلِكَ أَيضاً مِثلُ بُستانِ خَدِّهِ
بِهِ الوَردُ يُسمى مُضعَفاً وَهوَ مُضعِفُ

6. So O gazelle, if only you would pay me heed
And O branch, if only you would show me kindness

٦. فَيا ظَبيُ هَلّا كانَ فيكَ التِفاتَةٌ
وَيا غُصنُ هَلّا كانَ فيكَ تَعَطُّفُ

7. O sanctuary of beauty, so safeguarded
While our hearts around it are snatched away

٧. وَيا حَرَمَ الحُسنِ الَّذي هُوَ آمِنٌ
وَأَلبابُنا مِن حَولِهِ تُتَخَطَّفُ

8. Perhaps a glance of union O dimple of his cheek
For I know the glance contains kindness

٨. عَسى عَطفَةً لِلوَصلِ يا واوَ صُدغِهِ
عَلَيَّ فَإِنّي أَعرِفُ الواوَ تَعطِفُ

9. O my loves, as for my passion after you
It has increased beyond what you know and I know

٩. أَأَحبابِنا أَمّا غَرامِيَ بَعدُكُم
فَقَد زادَ عَمّا تَعرِفونَ وَأَعرِفُ

10. You have prolonged my torment in love, so show mercy
Upon one encumbered in his love for you, though he pretends

١٠. أَطَلتُم عَذابي في الهَوى فَتَعَطَّفوا
عَلى كَلِفٍ في حُبِّكُم يَتَكَلَّفُ

11. By God, I did not part from you out of blame
Though I insist in speech and oaths

١١. وَوَاللَهِ مافارَقتُكُم عَن مَلامَةٍ
وَجُهدي لَكُم أَنّي أَقولُ وَأَحلِفُ

12. But Ala’a son of Jaldak called me
To longing of a heart that led me and pulled me

١٢. وَلَكِن دَعاني لِلعَلاءِ بنِ جَلدَكٍ
تَشَوُّقُ قَلبٍ قادَني وَتَشَوُّفُ

13. To a master whose traits and manners
Discipline one who praises him and repels

١٣. إِلى سَيِّدٍ أَخلاقُهُ وَصِفاتُهُ
تُؤَدِّبُ مَن يُثني عَلَيهِ وَتُطرِفُ

14. Smoother than pure water, of beautiful features
And purer than aged wine, most gentle

١٤. أَرَقُّ مِنَ الماءِ الزُلالِ شَمائِلاً
وَأَصفى مِنَ الخَمرِ السُلافِ وَأَلطَفُ

15. Diverse merits, if an eyebrow would possess them
It would never be struck by the bow, fully drawn

١٥. مَناقِبُ شَتّى لَو تَكونُ لِحاجِبٍ
لَما ذَكَرَت يَوماً لَهُ القَوسَ خِندِفُ

16. Becoming thereby Hatim, himself Hatim
And rising thereby Ahnaf, himself Ahnaf

١٦. غَدا مِن مَداها حاتِمٌ وَهوَ حاتِمٌ
وَأَصبَحَ عَنها أَحنَفٌ وَهوَ أَحنَفُ

17. The rhymes came to you and were counted as a garden
For what was embedded in them, an adorned utterance

١٧. أَتَتكَ القَوافي وَهيَ تُحسَبُ رَوضَةً
لِما ضُمِّنَتهُ وَهوَ قَولٌ مُزَخرَفُ

18. And if they intended to blame your stature, they would transgress
Far be it! His heart is most pure

١٨. وَلَو قَصَدَت بِالذَمِّ شانيكَ لَاِغتَدى
وَحاشاكَ مِنهُ قَلبُهُ يَتَنَظَّفُ

19. And be laden with shame, while he is organized pearls
And clothed with sorrow, while he is layered brocade

١٩. وَقُلِّدَ عاراً وَهوَ دُرٌّ مُنَظَّمٌ
وَأُلبِسَ حُزناً وَهوَ بُردٌ مُفَوَّفُ

20. And prayed against as hell, while in beauty a heaven
And given bitter aloes, while it is fragrant camphor

٢٠. وَيُصلى جَحيماً وَهيَ في الحُسنِ جَنَّةٌ
وَيُسقى دِهاقاً وَهيَ صَهباءُ قَرقَفُ