
O you who left, was there not

ياغادرين ألم يكن

1. O you who left, was there not
A pact between us that stood?

١. ياغادِرينَ أَلَم يَكُن
بَيني وَبَينَكُم عُهودُ

2. Your betrayal became clear,
So what is this denial?

٢. ظَهَرَت وَبانَت لي قَضِيَّ
تُكُم فَما هَذا الجُحودُ

3. You swore you were never disloyal,
Yet your treachery has witnesses.

٣. وَحَلَفتُمُ ما خُنتُمُ
وَعَلى خِيانَتِكُم شُهودُ

4. O you whose love has changed,
May your new companion bless you.

٤. يامَن تَبَدَّلَ في الهَوى
يَهنيكَ صاحِبُكَ الجَديدُ

5. If you were pleased with turning away,
Likewise, I was pleased with the estrangement.

٥. إِن كانَ أَعجَبَكَ الصدو
دُ كَذاكَ أَعجَبَني الصُدودُ

6. Know that I do not want
To see you if you do not want to see me.

٦. وَاِعلَم بِأَنّي لا أُري
دُ إِذا رَأَيتُكَ لاتُريدُ

7. I was close, so if you change
My companion, then I will be far.

٧. وَأَنا القَريبُ فَإِن تَغَيَّ
رَ صاحِبي فَأَنا البَعيدُ

8. A day will come when
I free my heart of you - that day is a celebration.

٨. يَومٌ أُخَلِّصُ فيهِ قَل
بي مِنكَ ذاكَ اليَومُ عيدُ

9. And perhaps you will want me to return
To loving you, but I will not return.

٩. وَعَساكَ تَطلُبُ أَن أَعو
دَ إِلى هَواكَ فَما أَعودُ

10. You knew well that my character
In love is firm.

١٠. وَلَقَد عَلِمتَ بِأَنَّني
لي في الهَوى خُلُقٌ شَديدُ