
I stood over what came to me of your book

وقفت على ما جاءني من كتابكم وقوف

1. I stood over what came to me of your book
A frugal stand, its ring lost in the soil

١. وَقَفتُ عَلى ما جاءَني مِن كِتابِكُم
وُقوفَ شَحيحٍ ضاعَ في التُربِ خاتِمُه

2. A book I saw beauty articulated in
As ruby is articulated with pearl by its stringer

٢. كِتابٌ رَأَيتُ الحُسنَ فيهِ مُفَصَّلاً
كَما فَصَّلَ الياقوتَ بِالدُرِّ ناظِمُه

3. It had an unfurling and delight
As the meadow’s blossoms unfurl their banners

٣. وَكانَ لَهُ نَشرٌ يَفوحُ وَبَهجَةً
كَما اِفتَرَّ عَن زَهرِ الرِياضِ كَمائِمُه

4. It doubled for me when I read it
In yearning and joy, of which God is Knower

٤. تَضاعَفَ عِندي مِنهُ حينَ قَرَأتُهُ
مِنَ الشَوقِ وَالتَبريحِ ما اللَهُ عالِمُه

5. And my eyelids hastened to it with tears
As if it were a generous man who saw a guest and his noble traits hurried forth

٥. وَبادَرَهُ بِالدَمعِ جَفني كَأَنَّهُ
كَريمٌ رَأى ضَيفاً فَدَرَّت مَكارِمُه