
I wrote it with the explanation of passions yearning for you, I loaded it from me to you with a thousand thousand affections.

سطرتها بشرح أش

1. I wrote it with the explanation of passions yearning for you, I loaded it from me to you with a thousand thousand affections.
O vast of ambition, may that ambition never lack, You have left me, O a thousand intimacies, with a thousand blessings.

١. سَطَرتُها بِشَرحِ أَش
واقٍ إِلَيكَ جَمَّه

٢. حَمَّلتُها مِنّي إِلَي
كَ أَلفَ أَلفِ خِدمَه

٣. يا واسِعَ الهِمَّةِ لا
عَدِمَت تِلكَ الهِمَّه

٤. تَرَكتَني يا أَلفَ مَو
لايَ بِأَلفِ نِعمَه