
My friends, how your natures have changed!

أأحبابنا بالله كيف تغيرت

1. My friends, how your natures have changed!
Reproach in you is strange, and strange your whims.

١. أَأَحبابَنا بِاللَهِ كَيفَ تَغَيَّرَت
خَلائِقُ غُرٌّ فيكُمُ وَغَرائِزُ

2. Your blame has pained me, though if you knew,
I'd be helpless to make response or excuse.

٢. لَقَد ساءَني العَتبُ الَّذي جاءَ مِنكُمُ
وَإِنِّيَ عَنهُ لَو عَلِمتُم لَعاجِزُ

3. You have your reasons that made you speak out,
And pardonable is what you heard and deemed right.

٣. لَكُم عُذرُكُم أَنتُم سَمِعتُم فَقُلتُمُ
وَمُحتَمَلٌ ما قَد سَمِعتُم وَجائِزُ

4. Grant you are correct and I'm at fault,
Is your patience and pardon beyond that so slight?

٤. هَبوا أَنَّ لي ذَنباً كَما قَد زَعَمتُمُ
فَهَل ضاقَ عَنهُ حِلمُكُم وَالتَجاوُزُ

5. Yes, I'm guilty, to you repentant I came,
Like Ma'iz, repenting the sinful deed he claimed.

٥. نَعَم لِيَ ذَنبٌ جِئتُكُم مِنهُ تائِباً
كَما تابَ مِن فِعلِ الخَطِيَّةِ ماعِزُ

6. Never have I been pleased with betrayal,
Far from me, by God, thoughts of that I'm contained.

٦. عَلى أَنَّني لَم أَرضَ يَوماً خِيانَةً
وَهَيهاتِ لي وَاللَهِ عَن ذاكَ حاجِزُ

7. Between my heart and sleep ruin lies,
And between my lids and rest vast is the divide.

٧. وَبَينَ فُؤادي وَالسُلُوِّ مَهالِكٌ
وَبينَ جُفونِي وَالرُقادُ مَفاوِزُ

8. If my love for the abode and settlement you decried,
By allusion and metaphor you I deride.

٨. وَإِن قُلتُ واشَوقاهُ لِلبانِ وَالحِمى
فَإِنِّيَ عَنكُم بِالكِنايَةِ رامِزُ

9. Leave me be, and the slanderer, for I am present,
My voice raised, and my face forward and evident,

٩. دَعونِيَ وَالواشي فَإِنِّيَ حاضِرٌ
وَصَوتِيَ مَرفوعٌ وَوَجهِيَ بارِزُ

10. Elders will remember events that to us were sent,
Outliving us, elders and women reliant.

١٠. سَيَذكُرُ ما يَجري لَنا مِن وَقائِعٍ
مَشايِخُ تَبقى بَعدَنا وَعَجائِزُ

11. In your life, don't listen to envious chiding
Making claims between us, and with us contending.

١١. بِعَيشِكَ لا تَسمَع مَقالَةَ حاسِدٍ
يُجاهِرُ فيما بَينَنا وَيُبارِزُ

12. None attracted my gaze but your face so inviting,
None possessed my heart but your love comprehending.

١٢. فَما شاقَ طَرفي غَيرَ وَجهِكَ شائِقٌ
وَلا حازَ قَلبي غَيرَ حُبَّكِ حائِزُ

13. I will hide this blame, fearing the gloat of the spiteful,
Feigning to you I'm pleased, victorious and insightful.

١٣. سَأَكتُمُ هاذا العَتبَ خيفَةَ شامِتٍ
وَأوهِمُ أَنّي بِالرِضا مِنكَ فائِزُ

14. Among you are enviers, between us mere trifles,
Events never ending, uncertainties stifling.

١٤. فَلي فيكَ حُسّادٌ وَبَيني وَبَينَهُم
وَقائِعُ لَيسَت تَنقَضي وَهَزاهِزُ

15. Deceiving their war, I befriend and bewilder,
Vanquishing them, by turns, as contender and builder.

١٥. وَإِنّي لَهُم في حَربِهِم لِمُخادِعٍ
أُسالِمُهُم طَوراً وَطَوراً أُناجِزِ