
The breeze loved the invalid

حب النسيم عليلا

1. The breeze loved the invalid
Though it was a healthy breeze

١. حَبَّ النَسيمُ عَليلاً
وَهُوَ النَسيمُ الصَحيحُ

2. And your time became pleasant so arise
For now the dawn has become pleasant

٢. وَطابَ وَقتُكَ فَاِنهَض
فَالآنَ طابَ الصَبوحُ

3. And take from the cup a light
That illuminates the vast wilderness

٣. وَخُذ عَنِ الكَأسِ نوراً
يُضيءُ مِنهُ الفَسيحُ

4. From coffee that was pleasant in it
A taste, a color, and a smell

٤. مِن قَهوَةٍ طابَ مِنها
طَعمٌ وَلَونٌ وَريحُ

5. In its softness is comfort
And in its strong is life

٥. في دَنَّها هِيَ راحٌ
وَفي الحَشا هِيَ روحُ

6. Oh son of nobles, for how long
Are you so stingy with me

٦. يا اِبنَ الكِرامِ إِلى كَم
عَلَيَّ أَنتَ شَحيحُ

7. You torture my heart
While your heart rests

٧. أَنتَ المُعَذِّبُ قَلبي
وَقَلبُكَ المُستَريحُ