
I sought you out hoping for triumph over the foe

قصدتكم أرجو انتصارا على العدى

1. I sought you out hoping for triumph over the foe
I thought you were people, but you were not people

١. قَصَدتُكُمُ أَرجو انتِصاراً عَلى العِدى
حَسِبتُكُمُ ناساً فَما كُنتُمُ ناسا

2. You did not defend a neighbor nor help a brother
You did not repel harm nor raise a head

٢. فَلَم تَمنَعوا جاراً وَلَم تَنفَعوا أَخاً
وَلَم تَدفَعوا ضَيماً وَلَم تَرفَعوا راسا