1. I imbued it with praise and gratitude
And it came to you seeking your pardon
١. ضَمَّنتُها حَمداً وَشُكراً
وَأَتَتكَ تَطلُبُ مِنكَ عُذرا
2. I did not know how to respond to what
You had inscribed in prose and verse
٢. لَم أَدرِ كَيفَ أُجيبُ ما
حَبَّرتَهُ نَظماً وَنَثرا
3. You sent it to me as poetry
Had I known, I would have said it was magic
٣. أَرسَلتَهُ شِعراً إِلَيَّ
وَلَو عَلِمتُ لَقُلتُ سِحرا
4. So it spread ink upon me
You spread for me remembrance amongst people
٤. فَنَشَرَتها حِبراً عَلَيَّ
نَشَرتَ لِيَ في الناسِ ذِكرا
5. I saw your face then told
My eyes, you have seen Egypt
٥. أَبصَرتُ وَجهَكَ ثُمَّ قُل
تُ لِمُقلَتي أَبصَرتِ مِصرا
6. You reminded me of a time passed
From me and a life that was blooming
٦. أَذكَرتَني زَمَناً مَضى
عَنّي وَعَيشاً كانَ نَضرا
7. And poetry was once my obsession
When I was obsessed in my youth
٧. وَالشُعرُ قِدماً كُنتُ مُغ
رىً فيهِ لَمّا كُنتُ مُغرى
8. So I shed the clothes of passion
Neither new nor patched anymore
٨. فَخَلَعتُ أَثوابَ الغَرا
مِ فَلا الجَديدُ وَلا المُطَرّا