
Your hands came to me, countless

أتتني أياديك التي لا أعدها

1. Your hands came to me, countless
They stroked my mind, my intuition, my discernment

١. أَتَتني أَياديكَ الَّتي لا أَعُدُّها
فَأَربَت عَلى فَهمي وَحَدسي وَتَميِيزي

2. And I thought I was full with gratitude for them
Yet they persisted until they showed me my incapacity

٢. وَكُنتَ أَرى أَنّي مَليءٌ بِشُكرِها
فَما بَرِحَت حَتّى أَرَتنِيَ تَعجيزي