1. Hope has waned, so what will rouse you, O dwelling of Ma'rib?
The singers have left, so what will stir you, O maker of music?
١. رَكَدَ الرَجاءُ فَما يَهُزُّكَ مَأرِبُ
وَمَضى المِراحُ فَما يهيجُكَ مُطرِبُ
2. The sun of time, so it does not soften, and sometimes
The boy takes the reins, playing.
٢. شَمسَ الزَمانُ فَما يَلينُ وَرُبَّما
أَخَذَ الصَبِيُّ عِنانَهُ يَتَلَعَّبُ
3. And I see raging misfortunes after what
Their outbursts have been suppressed, controlled and avoided
٣. وَأَرى الحَوادِثَ جامِحاتٍ بَعدَما
غَنِيَت نَزائِعُها تُقادُ وَتُجنَبُ
4. On the savage side of them a high road
That cannot be managed, and a firm wall that cannot be toppled
٤. في الجانِبِ الوَحشِيِّ مِنها مُرتَقىً
ما يستطاع وَسُورَةٌ ما تُغلَبُ
5. They have unleashed their torrents on a worn-out people
Who have become accustomed to humiliation, dragged and pulled about
٥. أَلقَت جَوافِلها بِشَعبٍ رازِحٍ
أَلِفَ الهَوانَ يُجَرُّ فيهِ وَيُسحَبُ
6. Who knew adversity in its beginnings and knew it
As an old man, bending over his hands and becoming humpbacked
٦. عَرَفَ النَوائِبَ ناشِئاً وَعَرَفنَهُ
كَهلاً يَكُبُّ عَلى اليَدَينِ وَيَحدَبُ
7. And though he enjoyed the freshness of youth, he did not enjoy
The ignorance of a twenty-year-old frolicking about
٧. وَلَئِن نَضا بُردَ الشَبابِ فَما نَضا
مِن جَهلِ ذي العِشرينَ ما يَتَجَلبَبُ
8. Wake, O old age, how can a broken nation frolic
Feeble, defeated, and a grey-haired people?
٨. وَيحَ الكِنانَةِ كَيفَ تَلعَبُ أُمَّةٌ
شَمطاءُ واهِنَةٌ وَشَعبٌ أَشيَبُ
9. It hopes and aspires while life is harsh
Its windows pass and determination labors
٩. يَرجو وَيَأمُلُ وَالحَياةُ صَريمَةٌ
تَمضي نَوافِذُها وَعَزمٌ يَدأَبُ
10. Push yourself forward, do not be intimidated
None among nations have honor who are intimidated
١٠. ادفَع بِنَفسِكَ لا تَكُن مُتَهَيِّباً
ما اِعتَزَّ في الأَقوامِ مَن يَتَهَيَّبُ
11. The weakness of a young man is in his supposition and hope
Supposition disappoints and hope is deceived
١١. عَجزُ الفَتى في ظَنِّهِ وَرَجائِهِ
الظَنُّ يُخلِفُ وَالرَجاءُ يُخَيَّبُ
12. The nobility and pride of life belong to the risk-taker
Who goes forth, neither twisting nor turning back
١٢. شَرَفُ الحَياةِ وَعِزُّها لِمُغامِرٍ
يَمضي فَلا يَلوي وَلا يَتَنَكَّبُ
13. Set out the life for your nation, let
Nothing in your life be a preoccupation other than that
١٣. اشرَع لِأُمَّتِكَ الحَياةَ وَلا يَكُن
لَكَ في حَياتِكَ غَيرُ ذَلِكَ مَأَرِبُ
14. No nations have known a right or a duty
Except that serving it is more right and obligatory
١٤. لَم يَعرِفِ الأَقوامُ حَقّاً واجِباً
إِلّا وَخدمتُها أَحَقُّ وَأَوجَبُ
15. If you wished, none would reproach you, and no homeland
Whose good you had marred would be tortured
١٥. لَو شِئتَ لَم تَعتَب عَلَيكَ وَلَم يَلُم
وَطَنٌ أَسَأتَ بِهِ الصَنيعَ مُعَذَّبُ
16. The seeker of requests and hopes is devastated
Never ceasing to be struck by disasters and defeated
١٦. تَعِبُ المَطالِبِ وَالرَجاءِ مُفَجَّعٌ
ما اِنفَكَّ يُرزَأُ بِالخُطوبِ وَيُنكَبُ
17. The hand of events throws him down in terror
Punishment has afflicted him while you are the guilty one
١٧. ترمي يَدُ الحِدثانِ مِنهُ مُرَوَّعاً
حَلَّ العِقابُ بِهِ وَأَنتَ المُذنِبُ
18. Do you have any remnant in yourself to preserve
To protect that remnant from a life that is despoiled?
١٨. هَل عِندَ نَفسِكَ لِلحِفاظِ بَقِيَّةٌ
تَحمي البَقِيَّةَ مِن حَياةٍ تُسلَبُ
19. The steadfast ones who were saviors of a nation have gone
Adversity has befallen it and the path has narrowed
١٩. ذَهَبَ الأُلى كانوا الغِياثَ لِأُمَّةٍ
حاقَ البَلاءُ بِها وَضاقَ المَذهَبُ
20. The turns of fate have shattered its hope
And it has fallen while fickle time overturns it
٢٠. صَدَعَت تَصاريفُ الخُطوبِ رَجاءَها
فَهَوى وَطاحَ بِها الزَمانُ القُلَّبُ
21. Its own fingers have failed and though its arm has been helped
That arm has betrayed the shoulder
٢١. بَطَشَت أَنامِلُها فَأَعوَزَ ساعِدٌ
وَأَعانَ ساعِدُها فَخانَ المَنكِبُ
22. The time's own calamities have taken away its light
With how they resent its guides and incite against them
٢٢. ذَهَبَت مُلِمّاتُ الزَمانِ بِنورِها
مِمّا تَكُرُّ عَلى الهُداةِ وَتَجلِبُ
23. At every bright rising and setting
A moon passes away and a bright star sets
٢٣. في كُلِّ مَطلَعِ شارِقٍ وَمَغيبِهِ
قَمَرٌ يَزولُ وَفَرقَدٌ يَتَغَيَّبُ
24. Its righteous children were scorned and were wronged
And it wanders terrified, crying and lamenting
٢٤. رُزِئَت بنيها الصالِحينَ وَغودِرَت
وَلهَى مُرَوَّعَةً تَرِنُّ وَتَندُبُ
25. Disasters take pleasure in the gurgling of its blood
To the point of excess bitterness and torment
٢٥. تَلِغُ العَوادي في نَقيعِ دِمائِها
فَيَطيبُ مِن فَرطِ الغَليلِ وَيَعذُبُ
26. Nothing remains of it but a submissive weakling
Its predators and wild beasts crowd around it
٢٦. لَم يَبقَ مِنها غَيرُ شِلوٍ مُسلَمٍ
عَكَفَت عَلَيهِ ضِباعُها وَالأَذؤُبُ
27. It calls out for its protecting supporters, but below them
There is a gaping mouth from which support and claws are absent
٢٧. يَدعوالحُماةَ الناصِرينَ وَدونَهُم
نابٌ يَهالُ النَصرُ مِنهُ وَمَخلَبُ
28. The carefree one sleeps, unaware of its affliction,
While an exhausted heart refuses me sleep
٢٨. نامَ الخَلِيُّ فَما يُحِسُّ مُصابَها
وَأَبى عَلَيَّ النَومَ قَلبٌ مُتعَبٌ
29. Hearts find their consolation, and its consolation
Has weakened, deficient in what is sought and desired
٢٩. تَجِدُ القُلوبُ عَزاءَها وَعَزاؤُهُ
أَعيا وَأَعوزُ ما يُرامُ وَيُطلَبُ
30. I consoled it, but it refused while there is no doubt
That another betrays, and another harbors suspicion
٣٠. عَزَّيتُهُ فَأَبى وَما مِن ريبَةٍ
غَيري يَخونُ وَغَيرُهُ يَتَرَيَّبُ
31. While I am the loyal one, when the betrayer changes
The worst of men is the inconstant betrayer
٣١. وَأَنا الوَفِيُّ إِذا تَقَلَّبَ خائِنٌ
شَرُّ الرِجالِ الخائِنُ المُتَقَلِّبُ
32. I do not know, when the darkness gathered, was it a burning thirst
Among the gravel, or a venomous snake that creeps about?
٣٢. لَم أَدرِ إِذ جُنَّ الظَلامُ أَلَوعَةٌ
بَينَ الحَشا أَم ذاتُ سُمٍّ تَلسَبُ
33. In my heart, from the anguish of worries, is an expert
In the past and hated misfortunes, a recorder
٣٣. في القَلبِ مِن مَضَضِ الهُمومِ مُثَقَّفٌ
ماضٍ وَمَكروهُ الضَريبَةِ أَشطَبُ
34. Say to the horsemen, the swordsmen, and the young gazelles
Worry is the most piercing stab in hearts and the most penetrating
٣٤. قُل لِلفَوارِسِ وَالأَسِنَّةِ وَالظُبى
الهَمُّ أَطعَنُ في القُلوبِ وَأَضرَبُ
35. If it flew in the air from the hand of a caster
Iron would melt from it, and flocks take fright
٣٥. لَو طارَ في الهَيجاءِ عَن يَدِ قاذِفٍ
ذابَ الحَديدُ لَهُ وَريعَ الأُسرُبُ
36. War turns away its violence from its frenzies
And the unflinching warrior shrinks from its flood
٣٦. حَربٌ يَصُدُّ البَأسُ عَن هَبَواتِها
وَيَهابُ غَمرَتَها الكَمِيُّ المِحرَبُ
37. War is not an encounter in which the young man falls
War is that which makes souls miserable and erects
٣٧. ما الحَربُ مَوقِعَةٌ يَطيحُ بِها الفَتى
الحَربُ ما يُشقي النُفوسَ وَيُنصِبُ
38. The shadows of peace have lied - how many who bid farewell
Hope in them that if they are struck they will be mended
٣٨. كَذَبَت ظِلالُ السِلمِ كَم مِن وادِعٍ
فيهِنَّ يَرجو لَو يُصابُ فَيُعطَبُ
39. Life in the shadow of worries is not beneficial
Death is more beneficial for the grieved and more wholesome
٣٩. ما العَيشُ في ظِلِّ الهُمومِ بِنافِعٍ
المَوتُ أَنفَعُ لِلحَزينِ وَأَطيَبُ
40. Fear of death, when life is hateful
Is nearest to the hopes of souls and most fitting
٤٠. رَيبُ المنونِ إِذا الحَياةُ تَنَكَّرَت
أَدنى لِآمالِ النُفوسِ وَأَقرَبُ
41. My stance on life and love of it is the nobility with which
I am distinguished and made most wondrous
٤١. مِصرُ الحَياةُ وَحُبُّها الشَرَفُ الَّذي
بِطِرازِهِ العالي أُدِلُّ وَأُعجَبُ
42. My soul and what my hands possess belong to my nation
And the honorable ancestors from whom I originate
٤٢. نَفسي وَما مَلَكتَ يَدايَ لِأُمَّتي
وَسَراةُ آبائي وَمَن أَنا مُنجِبُ
43. I taught them love of country as innate
While those with protective charms listen as I speak
٤٣. عَلَّمتُهُم حُبَّ البِلادِ أَجِنَّةً
وَذَوي تَمائِمَ يُنصِتونَ وَأَخطُبُ
44. May Solomon the Blessed fulfil its due
And al-Radhiyya Zaynab preserve its sanctity
٤٤. يَقضي سُلَيمانُ المُبارَكُ حَقَّها
وَتَصونُ حُرمَتَها الرَضِيَّةُ زَينَبُ
45. My son, you belong to the country and it
Belongs to you, after your father, as worthy inheritance
٤٥. أَبُنَيَّ إِنَّكَ لِلبِلادِ وَإِنَّها
لَكَ بَعدَ والِدَكَ التُراثُ الطَيِّبُ
46. Roll up your sleeves if you are called to its victory
The generous man is indeed called to such
٤٦. شَمِّر إِزارَكَ إِن نُدِبتَ لِنَصرِها
إِنَّ الكَريمَ لِمِثلِ ذَلِكَ يُندَبُ
47. And if you are tested by an ignorant one who insults it
Say: death is preferable to that, a ship
٤٧. وَإِذا بُليتَ بِجاهِلٍ يَستامُها
فَقُلِ المَنِيَّةُ دونَ ذَلِكَ مَركَبُ
48. Stop! My most precious homeland is no merchandise
To be bartered, nor are my people goods to be imported
٤٨. مَهلاً فَما وَطَني الأَعَزُّ بِضاعَةٌ
تُزجى وَلا قَومي مَتاعٌ يُجلَبُ
49. Restrain yourself, for it is merely a deal
The generous man is insulted and stripped for it
٤٩. أَمسِك يَدَيكَ فَإِنَما هِيَ صَفقَةٌ
سوأى يُسَبُّ بِها الكَريمُ وَيُثلَبُ
50. No adversity in affairs has afflicted a person
Except that this is more adverse and difficult than it
٥٠. ما شَقَّ مَكروهُ الأُمورِ عَلى اِمرِئٍ
إِلّا وَتِلكَ أَشَقُّ مِنهُ وَأَصعَبُ
51. And indeed I have seen among wonders enough
That what you wished for yourself would be most wondrous
٥١. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ مِنَ العَجائِبِ ما كَفى
فَإِذا الَّذي مَنَّيتَ نَفسَكَ أَعجَبُ
52. Shall I sell the bone of my father and flesh of my tribe?
Glory is angered and manliness reproached
٥٢. أَأَبيعُ عَظمَ أَبي وَلحمَ عَشيرَتي
المَجدُ يَغضَبُ وَالمَروءَةُ تَعتِبُ
53. When the deluded young man sells his homeland
Wealth is from his enemies, and position
٥٣. وَإِذا الفَتى المَغرورُ باعَ بِلادَهُ
فَالمالُ مِن أَعدائِهِ وَالمَنصِبُ
54. A man is nothing but his nation and homeland
So look at which homelands you will be attributed
٥٤. ما المَرءُ إِلّا قَومُهُ وَبِلادُهُ
فَاِنظُر إِلى أَيِّ المَواطِنِ تُنسَبُ
55. And ask the echoes of tombs, for they
Make clear the meaning of life and explain
٥٥. وَاِستَفتِ أَصداءَ القُبورِ فَإِنَّها
لَتَبينُ عَن مَعنى الحَياةِ وَتُعرِبُ
56. Indeed the dead are proud of its soil
And a country's earth is beloved to souls
٥٦. إِنَّ الرُفاتَ لَتَستَعِزُّ بِأَرضِها
وَثَرى البِلادِ إِلى النُفوسِ مُحَبَّبُ
57. Zeal for men is no disgrace
The generous man has zeal for his nation
٥٧. لَيسَ التَعَصُّبُ لِلرِجالِ مَعَرَّةً
إِنَّ الكَريمَ لِقَومِهِ يَتَعَصَّبُ
58. Accustom your children to goodness, for their souls
Are pages on which your right hand writes what it wills
٥٨. عَوِّد بَنيكَ الخَيرَ إِنَّ نُفوسَهُم
صُحُفٌ بِما شاءَت يَمينُكَ تُكتَبُ
59. Children have no traits but those
A mother established for them, and a father bequeathed
٥٩. ما لِلبَنينِ مِنَ الخِلالِ سِوى الَّذي
سَنَّت لَهُم أُمٌّ وَأَورَثَهُم أَبُ
60. A person has from his clan's nobility a deterrent
And from good traits a nurturer
٦٠. لِلمَرءِ مِن شَرَفِ العَشيرَةِ زاجِرٌ
وَمِنَ الخِلالِ الصالِحاتِ مُؤَدِّبُ
61. And for each soul in life there is its path
And its share of what it earns and acquires
٦١. وَلِكُلِّ نَفسٍ في الحَياةِ سَبيلُها
وَنَصيبُها مِمّا تَجُرُّ وَتَكسِبُ
62. Among the favors of history is that its account
Is truth, and its decree cannot be rejected
٦٢. مِن أَنعُمِ التاريخِ أَنَّ حِسابَهُ
حَقٌّ وَأَن قَضاءَهُ لا يُشجَبُ
63. People stand under the banner of its justice
So the scale of rights is erected and set up
٦٣. تَقِفُ الخَلائِقُ تَحتَ رايَةِ عَدلِهِ
فَيُقامُ ميزانُ الحُقوقِ وَيُنصَبُ
64. In a majestic stand, its masses surge
And the crowned and the turbaned are trampled
٦٤. في مَوقِفٍ جَلَلٍ تَجيشُ جُموعُهُ
فَيُداسُ فيهِ مُتَوَّجٌ وَمُعَصَّبُ
65. It ruled time, so no era has a refuge
That will protect it from Him, nor does a generation have an escape
٦٥. مَلَكَ الزَمانَ فَما لِعَصرٍ موئِلٌ
يَحميهِ مِنهُ وَما لِجيلٍ مَهرَبُ
66. Truths were obscured for a period, then arose
And dawned, and the unseen responded to it
٦٦. دَجَتِ الحَقائِقُ حِقبَةً ثُمَّ اِنبَرى
فَتَبَلَّجَت وَاِنجابَ عَنها الغَيهَبُ
67. O Nile, few are enshrouded in you
Would that thirst be the lot of one who betrays you as drink
٦٧. يا نيلُ وَالموفونَ فيكَ قَلائِلٌ
لَيتَ الذُعافَ لِمَن يَخونُكَ مَشرَبُ
68. Does a traitor violate your covenant, including it
Between your two banks, in a fertile valley?
٦٨. أَيَخونُ عَهدَكَ غادِرٌ فَيَضُمُّهُ
ما بَينَ جانِحَتَيكَ وادٍ مُخصِبُ
69. He killed loyalty, yet you were not angry, but rather
He who envies and rages protects the truth
٦٩. قَتَلَ الوَفاءَ فَما غَضِبتَ وَإِنَّما
يَحمي الحَقيقَةَ مَن يَغارُ وَيَغضَبُ
70. You grant life to him, yet there is no life for a killer
In your rule, that can be granted
٧٠. تَهَبُ الحَياةَ لَهُ وَلَيسَ لِقاتِلٍ
في غَيرِ حُكمِكَ مِن حَياةٍ توهَبُ
71. You have infatuated souls with treachery and deceived them
With a hope that dupes them and a delusive mirage
٧١. أَولَعتَ بِالغَدرِ النُفوسَ وَغَرَّها
أَمَلٌ يُخادِعُها وَبَرقٌ خُلَّبُ
72. None remains to protect the truth after
The firmest of protectors has been weakened
٧٢. ما لِلحَقيقَةِ مَن يُحامي بَعدَ ما
وَهنَ الأَشَدُّ مِنَ الحُماةِ الأَصلَبُ
73. Send me the remedies of nations, for I
Am a physician experienced in the remedies of nations
٧٣. سَلني بِأَدواءِ الشُعوبِ فَإِنَّني
طَبٌّ بِأَدواءِ الشُعوبِ مُجَرِّبُ
74. When nations' stagnancy continues, degeneration lingers around them
There is no cure for a nation
٧٤. إِنَّ الشُعوبَ إِذا اِستَمَرَّ جُثومُها
جَثَمَ الرَدى مِن حَولِها يَتَرَقَّبُ
75. Until division and partisanship are gone
Who will give me a people in experience, not the strong
٧٥. لَيسَ الشِفاءُ بِزائِلٍ عَن أُمَّةٍ
حَتّى يَزولَ تَفَرُّقٌ وَتَحَزُّبُ
76. Splitting from it, nor desire branching into it
United, seeking life as if it is
٧٦. مَن لي بِشَعبٍ في الكِنانَةِ لا القُوى
تَنشَقُّ مِنهُ وَلا الهَوى يَتَشَعَّبُ
77. An army pouncing on its enemies
God determines the lives of nations
٧٧. مُتَأَلِّبٌ يَبغي الحَياةَ كَأَنَّهُ
جَيشٌ عَلى أَعدائِهِ يَتَأَلَّبُ
78. And protects them from what they fear and dread
And when He decides on an affair, then for His decree
٧٨. اللَهُ يقدِرُ لِلشُعوبِ حَياتَها
وَيُجيرُها مِمّا تَخافُ وَتَرهَبُ
79. Among kingdoms and nations there is no rescinder
Where are the working men? For it is only
٧٩. وَإِذا قَضى أَمراً فَلَيسَ لِحُكمِهِ
بَينَ المَمالِكِ وَالشُعوبِ مُعَقَّبُ
80. Through men that kingdoms last and pass away
٨٠. أَينَ الرِجالُ العامِلونَ فَإِنَّما
تَبقى المَمالِكُ بِالرِجالِ وَتَذهَبُ