1. My garden belongs to God, and whatever
Calamities I have suffered in it.
١. لِلَّهِ بُستاني وَما
قَضَّيتُ فيهِ مِنَ المآرِب
2. I yearn for my time in it,
With life green on all sides.
٢. لَهَفي عَلى زَمَني بِهِ
وَالعَيشُ مُخضَرُّ الجَوانِب
3. So it pleases me, with the air
Calm from it, and the rain pouring down.
٣. فَيَروقُني وَالجَوُّ مِن
هُ ساكِنٌ وَالقَطرُ ساكِب
4. How often I have risen early for it,
As the clouds rose early for it.
٤. وَلَكَم بَكَرتُ لَهُ وَقَد
بَكَرَت لَهُ غُرُّ السَحائِب
5. The morning dew in its branches
Tells of necklaces in strands.
٥. وَالطَلُّ في أَغصانِهِ
يَحكي عُقوداً في تَرائِب
6. Its flowers have opened,
And spread fragrance on every side.
٦. وَتَفَتَّحَت أَزهارُهُ
فَتَأَرَّجَت مِن كُلِّ جانِب
7. Fruit has appeared on its branches,
Like the tails of foxes.
٧. وَبَدا عَلى دَوحاتِهِ
ثَمَرٌ كَأَذنابِ الثَعالِب
8. Its roots seem as if
Melted gold on the leaves.
٨. وَكَأَنَّما آصالُهُ
ذَهَبٌ عَلى الأَوراقِ ذائِب
9. So there I have as much gold
As I have passions for it.
٩. فَهُناكَ كَم ذَهَبِيَّةٍ
لي في الولوعِ بِها مَذاهِب