
You made us a promise, so why did you not fulfill it?

لنا منكم وعد فهلا وفيتم

1. You made us a promise, so why did you not fulfill it?
You told us a word, so why did you not act upon it?

١. لَنا مِنكُمُ وَعدٌ فَهَلّا وَفَيتُمُ
وَقُلتُم لَنا قَولاً فَهَلّا فَعَلتُمُ

2. We kept affection for you though you wasted its ties,
So different we are, both now and before.

٢. حَفِظنا لَكُم وُدّاً أَضَعتُم عُهودَهُ
فَشَتّانَ في الحالَينِ نَحنُ وَأَنتُمُ

3. We stayed up preserving love while you slept,
And wakeful and sleeping are not the same.

٣. سَهِرنا عَلى حِفظِ الغَرامِ وَنِمتُمُ
وَلَيسَ سَواءً ساهِرونَ وَنُوَّمُ

4. We had agreed to hide our passion
Yet the slanderer tempted you, and you spoke and told.

٤. وَكُنّا عَقَدنا أَنَّنا نَكتُمُ الهَوى
فَأَغراكُمُ الواشي وَقالَ وَقُلتُمُ

5. You blamed and said I oppressed love,
You spoke true - such was the talk, you spoke true.

٥. ظَلَلتُم وَقُلتُم أَنتَ في الحُبِّ ظالِمٌ
صَدَقتُم كَذا كانَ الحَديثُ صَدَقتُمُ

6. So, O loved ones, in anger or pleasure,
In any case, you are never absent.

٦. فَيا أَيُّها الأَحبابُ في السُخطِ وَالرِضا
عَلى كُلِّ حالٍ أَنتُمُ لا عَدِمتُمُ

7. And many a night in your love I spent sleepless
Tossing and turning, as they say, building and destroying.

٧. وَرُبَّ لَيالٍ في هَواكُم قَطَعتُها
وَبِتُّ كَما قَد قيلَ أَبني وَأَهدِمُ

8. With some people I have a tormented heart -
Would that it might weep for that one and have mercy!

٨. وَلي عِندَ بَعضِ الناسِ قَلبٌ مُعَذَّبٌ
فَيا لَيتَهُ يَرثي لِذاكَ وَيَرحَمُ

9. Not every eye is like my eye, inspired,
Nor every heart like my heart, suffering.

٩. وَما كُلُّ عَينٍ مِثلَ عَيني قَريحَةٌ
وَلاكُلُّ قَلبٍ مِثلَ قَلبي مُتَيَّمُ

10. Except for a lover whose pact time destroys -
He is absent, so I forget, or present, so I weary.

١٠. سِوايَ مُحِبٌّ يَنقُضُ الدَهرُ عَهدَهُ
يَغيبُ فَيَسلو أَو يُقيمُ فَيَسأَمُ

11. O my friend, were it not for barriers holding me back
I would complain openly and not conceal.

١١. وَيا صاحِبي لَولا حِفاظٌ يَصُدُّني
لَصَرَّحتُ بِالشَكوى وَلا أَتَكَتَّمُ

12. I will chide some people if listening they be,
Yet you are the one I mean, from you nothing hidden.

١٢. سَأَعتُبُ بَعضَ الناسِ إِن كانَ سامِعاً
وَأَنتَ الَّذي أَعني وَما مِنكَ مَكتَمُ

13. If my opponent in youth is also my judge,
To whom shall I complain or protest?

١٣. إِذا كانَ خَصمي في الصَبابَةِ حاكِمي
لِمَن أَشتَكيهِ أَو لِمَن أَتَظَلَّمُ

14. Were it not for my disdain for reproachers,
I would turn my afflictions from them and me.

١٤. وَلَولا اِحتِقاري في الهَوى لِعَواذِلي
صَرَفتُ لَهُم بالي وَمِنّي وَمِنهُمُ

15. So, O reproacher, how great the distance between us!
My talk of passion is beyond what you can conceive.

١٥. فَياعاذِلي ما أَكبَرَ البُعدَ بَينَنا
حَديثُ غَرامي فَوقَ ما يَتَوَهَّمُ

16. I used to weep if the beloved was harsh,
Especially since he is the trusted, honored one.

١٦. لَقَد كُنتُ أَبكي لِلحَبيبِ إِذا جَفا
وَلا سِيَّما وَهوَ الأَمينُ المُكَرَّمُ

17. My prince, whom I used to draw near and by his nearness
Rule the world - by him I was empowered.

١٧. أَميري الَّذي قَد كُنتُ أَسطو بِقِربِهِ
وَكُنتُ عَلى الدُنيا بِهِ أَتَحَكَّمُ

18. I will be patient, not that I can bear his estrangement,
Perhaps the nights of his desertion will crumble away.

١٨. سَأَصبِرُ لا أَنّي عَلى ذاكَ قادِرٌ
لَعَلَّ لَيالي هَجرِهِ تَتَصَرَّمُ

19. The enemies said, "The honored one is fond,"
So I said to them, "The honored one is most noble."

١٩. وَقالَ العِدى إِنَّ المُكَرَّمَ واجِدٌ
فَقُلتُ لَهُم إِنَّ المُكَرَّمَ أَكرَمُ

20. My prince, if I approach a benefactor,
And my prince, if I draw near, is a bestower.

٢٠. وَإِنَّ أَميري إِن نَأَيتُ لِمُحسِنٍ
وَإِنَّ أَميري إِن قَرُبتُ لَمُنعِمُ

21. My pact with him is of ample goodness,
Overlooking much, pardoning, and forbearing.

٢١. وَعَهدي بِهِ رَحبُ الحَظيرَةِ مُجمِلٌ
يَغُضُّ وَيَعفو عَن كَثيرٍ وَيَحلُمُ

22. Of the elite whose spirits humble
The audacious, causing them to wither and waver.

٢٢. مِنَ النَفَرِ الغُرِّ الَّذينَ حُلومُهُم
يَخِفُّ لَدَيها يَذبُلٌ وَيُلَملَمُ

23. They are the people, all the people of faith and piety,
And needless to say, those people are they.

٢٣. هُمُ القَومُ كُلُّ القَومِ في الدينِ وَالتُقى
وَناهيكَ بِالقَومِ الَّذينَ هُمُ هُمُ

24. When they speak of Moses and Ahmed's excellence,
To God belongs an inheritance there apportioned.

٢٤. إِذا حَدَّثوا عَن فَضلِ موسى وَأَحمَدٍ
فَلِلَّهِ ميراثٌ هُناكَ يُقَسَّمُ

25. My lord, I seek refuge in you, sheltered,
Exalting you, complaining to you, revering you.

٢٥. أَمَولايَ إِنّي عائِذٌ بِكَ لائِذٌ
أُجِلُّكَ أَن أَشكو إِلَيكَ وَأُعظِمُ

26. Shall I deny the gifts you have granted me,
That my flesh and blood thereby acknowledge?

٢٦. أَأَنكِرُ ما أَولَيتَني مِن مَواهِبٍ
يُقِرُّ بِها مِن جِسمِيَ اللَحمُ وَالدَمُ

27. By God, I have never failed to thank for a blessing,
And suffice it that God is Highest, All-Knowing.

٢٧. وَوَاللَهِ ما قَصَّرتُ في شُكرِ نِعمَةٍ
وَيَكفيكَ أَنَّ اللَهَ أَعلى وَأَعلَمُ

28. So, O you who have abandoned me, intending abandonment,
To which people, after you, shall I incline?

٢٨. فَيا تارِكي أَنوي البَعيدَ مِنَ النَوى
إِلى أَيِّ قَومٍ بَعدَكُم أَتَيَمَّمُ

29. Know that a land where I resided has withered,
Though abundant in riches, it is deprived.

٢٩. أَلا إِنَّ إِقليماً نَبَت بي دِيارُهُ
وَإِن كَثُرَ الإِثراءُ فيهِ لَمُعدَمُ

30. And a time whose turns have driven me away,
I have tried to distance myself from you, unwilling.

٣٠. وَإِنَّ زَماناً أَلجَأَتني صُروفُهُ
فَحاوَلتُ بُعدي عَنكُمُ لَمُذَمَّمُ

31. In God's lands I have a place to roam and settle,
And from God's bounty, fulfillment and gain.

٣١. وَلي في بِلادِ اللَهِ مَسرىً وَمَسرَحٌ
وَلي مِن عَطاءِ اللَهِ مَغنىً وَمَغنَمُ

32. And I know I was wrong to part from you,
And you in that matter are greater than I.

٣٢. وَأَعلَمُ أَنّي غالِطٌ في فِراقِكُم
وَأَنَّكُمُ في ذاكَ مِثلِيَ أَعظَمُ

33. Who amongst you has reproached me for my poverty?
The people's conjecture is miserable, how I imagine it!

٣٣. وَمَن ذا الَّذي أَعتاضُ مِنكُم لِفاقَتي
مِنَ الناسِ طُرّاً ساءَ ما أَتَوَهَّمُ

34. No home or abode was sweet away from you,
Even if residence and Zamzam contained me therein.

٣٤. فَلا طابَ لي عَنكُم مَقامٌ وَمَوطِنٌ
وَلَو ضَمَّني فيهِ المَقامُ وَزَمزَمُ

35. And the like of you does not grieve over a secretary,
Rather, he grieves over you and regrets.

٣٥. وَمِثلُكَ لا يَأسى عَلى فَقدِ كاتِبٍ
وَلَكِنَّهُ يَأسى عَلَيكَ وَيَندَمُ

36. So who can be brought near you and chosen,
To write what is divinely inspired and conceal it?

٣٦. فَمَن ذا الَّذي تُدنيهِ مِنكَ وَتَصطَفي
فَيَكتُبُ ما يوحى إِلَيكَ وَيَكتُمُ

37. And who satisfies you with insight,
To speak and discern, or gesture and understand?

٣٧. وَمَن ذا الَّذي يُرضيكَ مِنهُ فَطانَةٌ
تَقولُ فَيَدري أَو تُشيرُ فَيَفهَمُ

38. Not all garden blossoms are fragrant,
Nor all melodious birds melodic.

٣٨. وَما كُلُّ أَزهارِ الرِياضِ أَريجَةٌ
وَما كُلُّ أَطيارِ الفَلا تَتَرَنَّمُ

39. Would that this year that came inclining
May pour upon us your pleasure and be apportioned!

٣٩. فَيالَيتَ ذا العامَ الَّذي جاءَ مُقبِلاً
يَفيضُ لَنا فيهِ رِضاكَ وَيُقسَمُ

40. And may the years continue to come and go
Commencing them with righteous acts and concluding them.

٤٠. وَلا زالَتِ الأَعوامُ تَأتي وَتَنقَضي
فَتَبدَؤُها بِالصالِحاتِ وَتَختِمُ

41. Lighting the nights of time with your radiance
And its days with joy smiling.

٤١. تُضيءُ لَيالي الدَهرِ مِنكَ مُنيرَةً
وَأَيّامُهُ مِن فَرحَةٍ تَتَبَسَّمُ

42. Would that I knew, if fulfilling this wish is decreed,
For whom I compose these words and versify them -

٤٢. وَيا لَيتَ شِعري إِن قَضى اللَهُ بِالنَوى
لِمَن أَبتَغي هَذا الكَلامَ وَأَنظِمُ

43. A kinsman, as chastity desires, pure,
Praise, as high ideals desire, revered,

٤٣. نَسيبٌ كَما يَهوى العَفافُ مُنَزَّهٌ
وَمَدحٌ كَما تَهوى المَعالي مُعَظَّمُ

44. Complaint, as the breeze gently blows,
Reproach, as threaded pearls are stringed symmetrically.

٤٤. وَشَكوى كَما رَقَّ النَسيمُ مِنَ الصَبا
وَعَتبٌ كَما اِنحَلَّ الجُمانُ المُنَظَّمُ

45. It came late for the time of delight because
Every day from you has a season.

٤٥. تَأَخَّرَ عَن وَقتِ الهَناءِ لِأَنَّهُ
لَهُ كُلَّ يَومٍ مِن جَنابِكَ مَوسِمُ

46. And you know, in my time I stand alone,
My words the last though presented first.

٤٦. وَتَعلَمُ أَنّي في زَمانِيَ واحِدٌ
وَأَنَّ كَلامي آخِرٌ مُتَقَدِّمُ