1. With you, the side of religion shuddered in the garments of victory,
And the nation of unbelief was pushed back on its heels.
١. بِكَ اِهتَزَّ عِطفُ الدينِ في حُلَلِ النَصرِ
وَرُدَّت عَلى أَعقابِها مِلَّةُ الكُفرِ
2. So praise be to God, it has become a blessing,
Beyond the ability of praise and thanks to encompass.
٢. فَقَد أَصبَحَت وَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ نِعمَةً
يُقَصِّرُ عَنها قُدرَةُ الحَمدِ وَالشُكرِ
3. With it, the offering of souls decreased as good news,
And everything became small next to it from vows.
٣. يَقِلُّ بِها بَذلُ النُفوسِ بِشارَةً
وَيَصغُرُ فيها كُلُّ شَيءٍ مِنَ النَذرِ
4. So let whoever wishes to say whatever they want say,
And this is the place for prose and poetry about you.
٤. أَلا فَليَقُل ما شاءَ مَن هُوَ قائِلٌ
وَدونَكَ هَذا مَوضِعُ النَظمِ وَالنَثرِ
5. I found an occasion for speech receptive,
So what fault is it of yours if I fall short in that from excuse?
٥. وَجَدتُ مَحَلّاً لِلمَقالَةِ قابِلاً
فَمالَكَ إِن قَصَّرتَ في ذاكَ مِن عُذرِ
6. For you, God is a generous guardian when He is generous,
So cease from familiarity and cease from estrangement.
٦. لَكَ اللَهُ مِن مَولىً إِذا جادَ أَوسَطا
فَناهيكَ مِن عُرفٍ وَناهيكَ مِن نُكرِ
7. The days don their garb of youth through it,
And from it they are adorned in their green splendor.
٧. تَميسُ بِهِ الأَيّامُ في حُلَلِ الصِبا
وَتَرفُلُ مِنهُ في مَطارِفِهِ الخُضرِ
8. His hands are white in creation, Mosaic,
But they hasten at the pace of al-Khidhr.
٨. أَياديهِ بيضٌ في الوَرى موسَوِيَّةٌ
وَلَكِنَّها تَسعى عَلى قَدَمِ الخِضرِ
9. And through him the fragmented one became towering,
Rivaling even Mount Sinai in esteem.
٩. وَمِن أَجلِهِ أَضحى المُقَطَّمُ شامِخاً
يُنافِسُ حَتّى طورَ سيناءَ في القَدرِ
10. The angels are indebted to him willingly and unwillingly,
And the celestial spheres serve him in prohibition and command.
١٠. تَدينُ لَهُ الأَملاكُ بِالكُرهِ وَالرِضى
وَتَخدُمُهُ الأَفلاكُ في النَهيِ وَالأَمرِ
11. So O king exalted above the angels in rank,
In the highest company, his mention is the sweetest.
١١. فَيا مَلِكاً سامى المَلائِكَ رِفعَةً
فَفي المَلَإِ الأَعلى لَهُ أَطيَبُ الذِكرِ
12. May it delight you what your Lord has given you, they are
Stations, they are the pride in the Station of the Gathering.
١٢. لِيَهنِئكَ ما أَعطاكَ رَبُّكَ إِنَّها
مَواقِفُ هُنَّ الغُرُّ في مَوقِفِ الحَشرِ
13. And not only Egypt rejoiced at this opening,
Baghdad rejoiced even more than Egypt.
١٣. وَما فَرِحَت مِصرٌ بِذا الفَتحِ وَحدَها
لَقَد فَرِحَت بَغدادُ أَكثَرَ مِن مِصرِ
14. For had he not stood for God as befits His standing,
The Abode of Peace would not have been safe from terror.
١٤. فَلَو لَم يَقُم بِاللَهِ حَقَّ قِيامِهِ
لَما سَلِمَت دارُ السَلامِ مِنَ الذُعرِ
15. And I swear, were it not for a perfect ambition,
Men would have feared the sanctuary and the stones.
١٥. وَأُقسِمُ لَولا هِمَّةٌ كامِلِيَّةٌ
لَخافَت رِجالٌ بِالمَقامِ وَبِالحَجرِ
16. Three years you stayed, and months,
Waging jihad in them, not with Zayd or ‘Amr.
١٦. فَمَن مُبلِغٌ هَذا الهَناءَ لِمَكَّةٍ
وَيَثرِبَ تُنهيهِ إِلى صاحِبِ القَبرِ
17. You were patient until God sent down His victory,
For that, you praised the outcome of patience.
١٧. فَقُل لِرَسولِ اللَهِ إِنَّ سَمِيَّهُ
حَمى بَيضَةَ الإِسلامِ مِن نُوَبِ الدَهرِ
18. And the night of invading the enemy was as if
It was by the number of those you struck down, the Night of Immolation.
١٨. هُوَ الكامِلُ المَولى الَّذي إِن ذَكَرتَهُ
فَيا طَرَبَ الدُنيا وَيا فَرَحَ العَصرِ
19. So what a night God ennobled in its ordainment!
And no wonder if I name it the Night of Value.
١٩. بِهِ اِرتَجَعَت دِمياطُ قَهراً مِنَ العِدى
وَطَهَّرَها بِالسَيفِ وَالمِلَّةِ الطُهرِ
20. You blocked their path by land and sea
With ships sunk and ships burning.
٢٠. وَرَدَّ عَلى المِحرابِ مِنها صَلاتَهُ
وَكَم باتَ مُشتاقاً إِلى الشَفعِ وَالوِترِ
21. Fleets not in the legends of those gone by,
With every crow that swooped to snatch away like a falcon.
٢١. وَأُقسِمُ إِن ذاقَت بَنو الأَصفَرِ الكَرى
فَلا حَلِمَت إِلّا بِأَعلامِهِ الصُفرِ
22. And an army like the night in its awesomeness and dread,
Though it was adorned by the stars among it shining bright.
٢٢. عَجَبتُ لِبَحرٍ جاءَ فيهِ سَفينُهُم
أَلَسنا نَراهُ عِندَنا مَلِكَ الغَمرِ
23. And every steed the like of which was never
For the Family of Zuheyr, nor for the Clan of Badr.
٢٣. أَلا إِنَّها مِن فِعلِهِ لَكَبيرَةٍ
سَيَطلُبُ مِنها عَفوَ حِلمِكَ وَاليُسرِ
24. And God's soldiers spent the night atop the ridges
With their torches providing light for the scouts instead of dawn.
٢٤. ثَلاثَةَ أَعوامٍ أَقَمتَ وَأَشهُراً
تُجاهِدُ فيهِم لا بِزَيدٍ وَلا عَمرِو
25. You did not stop until God supported His party,
And the face of the earth smiled, radiant with victory.
٢٥. صَبَرتَ إِلى أَن أَنزَلَ اللَهُ نَصرَهُ
لِذَلِكَ قَد أَحمَدتَ عاقِبَةَ الصَبرِ
26. You sated from them the thirsty swords and spears,
And satisfied from them the gaping wolves and eagles.
٢٦. وَلَيلَةِ غَزوٍ لِلعَدوِّ كَأَنَّها
بِكَثرَةِ مَن أَردَيتَهُ لَيلَةُ النَحرِ
27. And the kings of Rome came to you submissive,
Dragging the tails of humiliation and smallness.
٢٧. فَيا لَيلَةً قَد شَرَّفَ اللَهُ قَدرَها
وَلا غَروَ إِن سَمَّيتُها لَيلَةَ القَدرِ
28. They came to a king whose place is above the clouds,
So from his generosity is that cloud which flows.
٢٨. سَدَدتَ سَبيلَ البَرِّ وَالبَحرِ عَنهُمُ
بِسابِحَةٍ دُهمٍ وَسابِحَةٍ غُرِّ
29. He bestowed safety upon them graciously
Despite the white flashes of swords and reddened spears.
٢٩. أَساطيلُ لَيسَت في أَساطيرِ مَن مَضى
بِكُلِّ غُرابٍ راحَ أَفتَكَ مِن صَقرِ
30. God sufficed Damietta of tribulations, it is
From the direction of Islam's prayers in the place of ritual slaughter.
٣٠. وَجَيشٍ كَمِثلِ اللَيلِ هَولاً وَهَيبَةً
وَإِن زانَهُ ما فيهِ مِن أَنجُمٍ زُهرِ
31. And the Nile's water was not sweet except that it
Took the place of saliva from that gaping mouth.
٣١. وَكُلِّ جَوادٍ لَم يَكُن قَطُّ مِثلُهُ
لَآلِ زُهَيرٍ لا وَلا لِبَني بَدرِ
32. So to God belongs the day of the Opening, the day it entered,
With standards flying above it in domination.
٣٢. وَباتَت جُنودُ اللَهِ فَوقَ ضَوامِرٍ
بِأَوضاحِها تُغني السُراةَ عَنِ الفَجرِ
33. It surpassed all the days of time in their entirety,
And made forget the tales of Hunayn and Badr.
٣٣. فَما زِلتَ حَتّى أَيَّدَ اللَهُ حِزبَهُ
وَأَشرَقَ وَجهُ الأَرضِ جَذلانَ بِالنَصرِ
34. O happy people who attained in it their fortune!
They combined the spoils of war and reward.
٣٤. فَرَوَّيتَ مِنهُم ظامِئَ البيضِ وَالقَنا
وَأَشبَعتَ مِنهُم طاوِيَ الذِئبِ وَالنَسرِ
35. And I am comforted by every newcomer
If he is of those conquests in his telling.
٣٥. وَجاءَ مُلوكُ الرومِ نَحوَكَ خُضَّعاً
تُجَرِّرُ أَذيالَ المَهانَةِ وَالصُغرِ
36. That discourse excites me, its goodness,
And does for me what power lies not in wine.
٣٦. أَتَوا مَلِكاً فَوقَ السِماكِ مَحَلُّهُ
فَمِن جودِهِ ذاكَ السَحابُ الَّذي يَسري
37. And I listen to him, retelling his account,
As if I were venerable, though I am not venerable.
٣٧. فَمَنَّ عَلَيهِم بِالأَمانِ تَكَرُّماً
عَلى الرَغمِ مِن بيضِ الصَوارِمِ وَالسُمرِ
38. It takes the place of cool fresh water in thirst
And suffices over provisions in the barren land.
٣٨. كَفى اللَهُ دِمياطَ المَكارِهَ إِنَّها
لَمِن قِبلَةِ الإِسلامِ في مَوضِعِ النَحرِ
39. How many a day when I heard him
My hearing acknowledged it, and my mind remembered it.
٣٩. وَما طابَ ماءُ النيلِ إِلّا لِأَنَّهُ
يَحُلُّ مَحَلَّ الريقِ مِن ذَلِكَ الثَغرِ
40. And here I am, even till today sometimes
I deny the truth of the matter from him.
٤٠. فَلِلَّهِ يَومُ الفَتحِ يَومُ دُخولِها
وَقَد طارَتِ الأَعلامُ مِنها عَلى وَكرِ
41. For you, may God reward whoever praises you, for he only
From killing, you saved him, or from capture.
٤١. لَقَد فاقَ أَيّامَ الزَمانِ بِأَسرِها
وَأَنسى حَديثاً عَن حُنَينٍ وَعَن بَدرِ
42. Eulogy falls short of you from every praiser
Even if he came with the shining sun and the full moon.
٤٢. وَيا سَعدَ قَومٍ أَدرَكوا فيهِ حَظَّهُم
لَقَد جَمَعوا بَينَ الغَنيمَةِ وَالأَجرِ
٤٣. وَإِنّي لَمُرتاحٌ إِلى كُلِّ قادِمٍ
إِذا كانَ مِن ذاكَ الفُتوحِ عَلى ذِكرِ
٤٤. فَيُطرِبُني ذاكَ الحَديثُ وَطيبُهُ
وَيَفعَلُ بي ما لَيسَ في قُدرَةِ الخَمرِ
٤٥. وَأُصغي إِلَيهِ مُستَعيداً حَديثُهُ
كَأَنِّيَّ ذو وَقرٍ وَلَستُ بِذي وَقرِ
٤٦. يَقومُ مَقامَ البارِدِ العَذبِ في الظَما
وَيُغني عَنِ الأَزوادِ في البَلَدِ القَفرِ
٤٧. فَكَم مَرَّ لي يَومٌ إِذا ماسَمِعتُهُ
أَقَرَّ بِهِ سَمعي وَأَذكَرَهُ فِكري
٤٨. وَها أَنا ذا حَتّى إِلى اليَومِ رُبَّما
أُكَذِّبُ عَنهُ بِالصَحيحِ مِنَ الأَمرِ
٤٩. لَكَ اللَهُ مَن أَثنى عَلَيكَ فَإِنَّما
مِنَ القَتلِ قَد أَنجَيتَهُ أَو مِنَ الأَسرِ
٥٠. يُقَصِّرُ عَنكَ المَدحُ مِن كُلِّ مادِحٍ
وَلو جاءَ بِالشَمسِ المُنيرَةِ وَالبَدرِ