1. I see people who have burdened me
My share from them is hardship
١. أَرى قَوماً بُليتُ بِهِم
نَصيبي مِنهُمُ نَصبي
2. Among them is one who pretends with me
Swearing to me while lying about me
٢. فَمِنهُم مَن يُنافِقُني
فَيَحلِفُ لي وَيَكذِبُ بي
3. And obliges me to believe what
He has said in lies
٣. وَيُلزِمُني بِتَصديقِ ال
لَذي قَد قالَ مِن كَذِبِ
4. And one who is arrogant, if you
Talk about him, you get arrogance
٤. وَذو عَجَبٍ إِذا حَدَثّ
تَ عَنهُ جِئتَ بِالعَجَبِ
5. He does not know, by God's praise
What is Sha'ban from Rajab
٥. وَما يَدري بِحَمدِ اللَ
هِ ما شَعبانَ مِن رَجَبِ
6. I have not seen a more foolish one
Among non-Arabs or Arabs
٦. وَما أَبصَرتُ أَحمَقَ مِن
هُ في عُجمٍ وَلا عَرَبِ
7. And a fool whom I was miserable with
Without intellect or manners
٧. وَأَحمَقَ قَد شَقيتُ بِهِ
بِلا عَقلٍ وَلا أَدَبِ
8. He does not stop following me
Even if I try hard to escape
٨. فَلا يَنفَكُّ يَتبَعُني
وَإِن أَمعَنتُ في الهَرَبِ
9. As if I killed
Someone for him, so he is after me
٩. كَأَنّي قَد قَتَلتُ لَهُ
قَتيلاً فَهُوَ في طَلَبي
10. For something I did not accompany them for
So do not ask about the reason
١٠. لِأَمرٍ ما صَحِبتُهُمُ
فَلا تَسأَل عَنِ السَبَبِ
11. It improves our intellect that we
Hunt falcons with traps
١١. يُحَسِّنُ عَقلَنا أَنّا
نَصيدُ البازَ بِالحُرَبِ
12. We thought we could
Buy with counterfeit like gold
١٢. وَكُنّا قَد ظَنَنّا الصَف
رَ عِندَ النَقدِ كَالذَهَبِ
13. But we did not get what we wanted
And grieved over loss
١٣. فَلَم نَظفَر بِحاجَتِنا
وَأَشفَينا عَلى العَطَبِ
14. We returned like when we left
And gained nothing but fatigue
١٤. رَجَعنا مِثلَ مارُحنا
وَلَم نَربَح سِوى التَعَبِ