
By my soul, he who visited me while he was afraid

بروحي من قد زارني وهو خائف

1. By my soul, he who visited me while he was afraid
As a bough quivered on a shaking palm tree,

١. بِروحِيَ مَن قَد زارَني وَهوَ خائِفٌ
كَما اِهتَزَّ غُصنٌ في الأَراكَةِ مائِدُ

2. And did not visit except furtively after sleeping,
While a slanderer slept, fearing and envying him.

٢. وَما زارَ إِلّا طارِقاً بَعدَ هَجعَةٍ
وَقَد نامَ واشٍ يَتَّقيهِ وَحاسِدُ

3. Never did the full moon before him spend the night afraid.
Could it be he feared lest the others were jealous?

٣. فَلَم أَرَ بَدراً قَبلَهُ باتَ خائِفاً
فَهَل كانَ يَخشى أَن تَغارَ الفَراقِدُ

4. I used to think beauty had singled out his face,
Yet it was but established in it while it stayed.

٤. وَكُنتُ أَظُنُّ الحُسنَ قَد خَصَّ وَجهَهُ
وَما هُوَ إِلّا قائِمٌ فيهِ قاعِدُ

5. My love visited me generously and was not
Bound by obligation to such generosity.

٥. فَدَيتُ حَبيباً زارَني مُتَفَضِّلاً
وَليسَ عَلى ذاكَ التَفَضُّلِ زائِدُ

6. My messages to him were not many,
Nor had we fixed many a tryst.

٦. وَما كَثُرَت مِنّي إِلَيهِ رَسائِلٌ
وَلا مَطَلَت بِالوَصلِ مِنهُ مَواعِدُ

7. When love for him made me ill he visited me -
A lover whose nature is ever to show kindness.

٧. رَآني عَليلاً في هَواهُ فَعادَني
حَبيبٌ لَهُ بِالمَكرُماتُ عَوائِدُ

8. Die choked, my envier, for I am he
Who has ties with one who loves and regularly visits.

٨. فَمُت كَمَداً يا حاسِدي فَأَنا الَّذي
لَهُ صِلَةٌ مِمَّن يُحِبُّ وَعائِدُ

9. I have but one, none other than he,
Though I say he is my world, he is but one.

٩. وَلي واحِدٌ ما لي مِنَ الناسِ غَيرُهُ
أَرى أَنَّهُ الدُنيا وَإِن قُلتُ واحِدُ

10. My companion, may God not separate us
Or leave our friendship without abode.

١٠. فَيا مُؤنِسي لا فَرَّقَ اللَهُ بَينَنا
وَلا أَقفَرَت لِلأُنسُ مِنّا مَعاهِدُ

11. O visitor who visited without prior arrangement,
Indeed, I thank and praise you for your right.

١١. وَيازائِراً قَد زارَ مِن غَيرِ مَوعِدٍ
وَحَقِّكَ إِنّي شاكِرٌ لَكَ حامِدُ