1. What is it that you want from me
Leave me be and let me go
١. ما الَّذي تَطلُبُ مِنّي
خَلِّني عَنكَ وَدَعني
2. Do not add more than what has already
Been from that torment
٢. لا تَزِدني فَوقَ ما قَد
كانَ مِن ذاكَ التَجَنّي
3. The gossipers have lied in what
They conveyed about you and me
٣. كَذَبَ الواشونَ فيما
نَقَلوا عَنكَ وَعَنّي
4. The people have achieved
Their goal with you and with me
٤. بَلَغَ القَومُ وَنالوا
قَصدَهُم مِنكَ وَمِنّي