
Your glance is sharper than a sword

لحاظك أمضى من المرهف

1. Your glance is sharper than a sword
And your saliva sweeter than wine

١. لِحاظُكَ أَمضى مِنَ المُرهَفِ
وَريقُكَ أَحلى مِنَ القَرقَفِ

2. I cannot evade your glance's blade
Nor can I get enough of your wine

٢. وَمِن سَيفِ لَحظِكَ لا أَتَّقي
وَمِن خَمرِ ريقِكَ لا أَكتَفي

3. I suffer separation to gain union
Would that this leads to that as remedy

٣. أُقاسي المَنونَ لِنَيلِ المُنى
وَيالَيتَ هَذا بِهَذا يَفي

4. The rose of your cheek is fair indeed
But was plucked by eyes other than mine

٤. زَها وَردُ خَدَّيكَ لَكِنَّهُ
بِغَيرِ النَواظِرِ لَم يُقطَفِ

5. And though they claimed it is double
They knew not it makes me double over

٥. وَقَد زَعَموا أَنَّهُ مَضعَفٌ
وَما عَلِموا أَنَّهُ مُضعِفي

6. You conquered me, is there any emancipator?
You fled away, is there one who can make me see?

٦. مَلَكتَ فَهَل لِيَ مِن مُعتِقٍ
وَجُرتَ فَهَل لِيَ مِن مُنصِفِ

7. I stretched my hands asking for mercy
I seek your protection from my stance in love

٧. مَدَدتُ إِلَيكَ يَدي سائِلاً
أُعيذُكَ في الحُبِّ مِن مَوقِفي

8. How pleasant this love for me if true
Even if verified that it will end one day

٨. لَقَد طابَ لِيَ فيكَ هَذا الغَرا
مُ وَإِن صَحَّ لي أَنَّهُ مُتلِفي

9. My pledge is my pledge to that loyalty
Be it you kept loyal or you did not

٩. وَعَهدِيَ عَهدي لِذاكَ الوَفا
سَواءٌ وَفَيتَ وَإِن لَم تَفِ

10. By your life, I am a man who has not sworn
By other than your life, this I affirm

١٠. وَحَقِّ حَياتِكَ إِنّي اِمرُؤٌ
بِغَيرِ حَياتِكَ لَم أَحلِفِ