1. O traveler, I have been saddened
By his intention and departure
١. ياراحِلاً قَد ساءَني
مِنهُ نَواهُ وَاِرتِحالُه
2. And confused by the patience
That after you does not know what to do
٢. وَاحيرَةَ الصَبُّ الَّذي
لَم يَدرِ بَعدَكَ ما اِحتِيالُه
3. You are life, and whoever you
Leave, life leaves, so what is their state?
٣. أَنتَ الحَياةُ وَمَن تُفا
رِقُهُ الحَياةُ فَكَيفَ حالُه