1. O most beloved of people to me
How could you break your promise today?
١. يا أَعَزَّ الناسِ عِندي
كَيفَ خُنتَ اليَومَ عَهدي
2. I will complain of our distance
Perhaps my lament will help in some way
٢. سَوفَ أَشكو لَكَ بُعدي
فَعَسى شَكوايَ تُجدي
3. Where is my friend who sees me
With tears atop my cheek?
٣. أَينَ مَولايَ يَراني
وَدُموعي فَوقَ خَدّي
4. I endure the nights in agony
In loneliness, how I ache and seek
٤. أَقطَعُ اللَيلَ أُقاسي
ما أُقاسي فيهِ وَحدي
5. Would that I was with you, my friend
Or would that you were here with me
٥. لَيتَني عِندَكَ يا مَو
لايَ أَو لَيتَكَ عِندي
6. Please be pleased, I ask no more
That is all I want, take heed of my plea
٦. إِرضَ عَنّي لَيسَ إِلّا
ذاكَ مَطلوبي وَقَصدي
7. Where is one who is loved by all
With a fondness equal to mine?
٧. أَينَ مَن يُلفى لَهُ في الن
ناسِ وُدٌّ مِثلَ وُدّي
8. I have kept you from all who care
After me, none compare, you're divine
٨. أَنا أَفسَدتُكَ عَن كُلِّ
مُحِبٍّ لَكَ بَعدي
9. Though I'm your servant, what good am I?
In you my life, if you're not nigh
٩. وَلَقَد أَصبَحتُ عَبداً
لَكَ لَكِن أَيُّ عَبدِ
10. Please forgive me, my only wish
Is to regain your kindness, I cry
١٠. تَلَفي فيكَ حَياتي
وَضَلالي فيكَ رُشدي