1. Swaying like a branch in his movements
Sweet of figure, graceful and slender
١. وَمُهَفهَفٍ كَالغُصنِ في حَرَكاتِهِ
حُلوِ القَوامِ رَشيقِهِ مَيّادِهِ
2. An idol, by God, whom Allah did not create
With such beauty, except as a test for His servants
٢. صَنَمٍ لَعَمرُكَ ما بَراهُ اللَهُ في
ذا الحُسنِ إِلاّ فِتنَةً لِعِبادِهِ
3. And among the wonders is His act with the lover
Making him suffer fire though he is of His servants
٣. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ فِعلُهُ بِمُحِبِّهِ
يَصليهِ ناراً وَهُوَ مِن عُبّادِهِ
4. And allowing torment in the night's vigil
For the eye of the lover, and that one is of His troops
٤. وَيُبيحُ للتَعذيبِ في سَهَرِ الدُجى
طَرفَ المُحبِّ وَذاكَ مِن أَجنادِهِ
5. Oh you who blame me! I was not the first lover
That passion took hold of his heart and soul
٥. يا عاذِلي ما كُنتُ أَوّلَ عاشِقٍ
فَتَكَ الغَرامُ بِلُبِّهِ وَفُؤادِهِ
6. The heart knows it is lost in love
But the ways to guidance are covered from it
٦. فَالقَلبُ يَعلَمُ أَنَّهُ في غَيِّهِ
لَكِن تَغَطَّت عَنهُ سُبلُ رَشادِهِ
7. Do not seek, alas, his rectitude
If your Lord has decreed his corruption
٧. لا تَطلُبَن هَيهاتِ مِنهُ صَلاحَهُ
إِن كانَ رَبُّكَ قَد قَضى بِفسادِهِ